Chapter 4

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Moira looked at her sister worriedly knowing that something was off since she was only at half the speed she normally would be. The others didn't see it as weird that she followed the traffic regulations so Moira didn't say anything.
As they arrived at the facility Tamsin looked astonished at the huge building as she got out of her car.
"Thanks for the ride, Tammy", Moira ruffled through Tamsin's hair and waved before getting to the agent who was waiting for them.
"See you", she smiled lovely leaning against her car watching the mutants leave it. "Professor", she called out for the man who was about to also leave towards the agent. He turned around to face her: "Yes, Miss Kinross?" "I need to talk to you, you got a minute?"
"For you I have got five", he winked at her and sent Raven and Erik away so the two could talk alone. Tamsin chuckled at him using the same pick-up line as he did drunk in the bar.
"So, what can I do for you?" he asked and Tamsin couldn't ignore the knowing look he gave her.
"I want to ask about those... mutants" she hesitated – even though she believed to already know the answer she needed to ask; "Like, how do I know that someone is a mutant?" she looked him in his blue eyes and searched them for any answers or explanation why she was different, but all she saw was his kind and understanding gaze.
"Scientifically speaking the characteristic is the mutated x-gene. But it is hard to tell if someone is a mutant except his mutation has a phenotypical effect" he explained. Tamsin raised her eyebrow questioningly.
"The mutation affects the outward appearance – for example growing fangs or claws. But that does not apply to you. You have an extraordinary kind of mutation", he smiled and added, "A groovy kind".
"I am not talking about my MCR-1 mutated hair..." Tamsin scoffed. Charles shook his head chuckling. "Your mind, I can't read your mind", he explained and tapped against his temple.
Tamsin's eyes widened, so it was true. Something was indeed 'wrong' with her.
"Your mutation seems to allow you to build a shield around you. Fascinating", he concluded.
She remembered all the times she had tried to find an answer to what was happening to her and now he explained it so easily- as if they were talking about the weather.
"But something tells me you already knew this" he said noticing that she was not that shocked to be called a mutant – she seemed to be rather relieved.
"It is not that hard to notice something is going on when nothing injures you... I was more afraid that I was delusional or crazy in the head" she snickered awkwardly.

"So, I believe you will stay with us – among other mutants? Your abilities would be of great help against Shaw's telepath" Charles stated and expectantly smiled at her, but was met with an apologetic look.
"You see, Professor, I would love to meet other people... like you and me. And I don't know exactly what happened on the ship with that Lehnsherr guy and that mutant Shaw. But I can't fight this fight..."
Charles wanted to try and pursue her further since her shield could be very useful. But she was right – he could not expect everyone to be able to risk everything.
"So, I guess this is goodbye then?" he asked hesitantly seeing her off.
She shrugged, "It seems so". She caught herself feeling sad with the thought of leaving Charles; he seemed like a wonderful person – someone she would love to call her friend.
"You are sure I can't convince you to stay?" he asked in hope. She laughed slightly and looked him into the eyes, "Thank you, but no matter how much I want to help you with catching that Shaw... I don't think I can be of much help to you".
She mostly tried to convince herself; she would love to help Charles and her sister, but that also meant leaving that last bit normality she was able to restore after the war.
Tamsin knew it was selfish of her not to help them – Shaw seemed to be no joke and so they could use any help. But she also had enough of fighting – of guns and killing people, of the loss of comrades and loved ones. She was sick of risking her life for others who were living the American dream without worries.
It was time for others to do the same for her.


"You let her go?" Raven cocked an eyebrow as Charles came to the group who waited for him to finish his talk with Tamsin. Moira had looked at the two worried knowing that something was bugging Tamsin as soon as she started this whole mutant business. Charles shrugged, "I won't force her to stay, even though I believe she would have been a great help in capturing Shaw".
"Why is that?" Moira eyed him up suspecting something. Charles hesitated for a short moment. She did not ask him to keep it secret but he believed she should be the one to tell her sister. So he made up an excuse: "Her extraordinary driving skills may come in handy".
In fact it was her ability to block psychics and what not. Knowing that Shaw also had a psychic in his team; she could have been their joker.
"Whatever. Welcome to my facility", the agent of Division X changed the topic to welcome them and spread his arms presenting the huge building in front of them. "My mission has been the use of supernatural power and ulterior defense"; Erik interrupted him: "Or offense".
Erik was not thrilled at the thought of working together with humans – the ones who were the mutants' enemies. He knew much too well of people who would want to abuse their powers and oppress them to stay the dominant race. Shaw for example – he hated him to his guts.
He had killed his mother and he had tortured him.
"This guy, Shaw, or Schmidt, or whatever you gonna call him is working with the Russians. We'll need your help this time"; the agent looked at each one of the mutants. "Marvelous. So we are going to be CIA's new mutant division?" Charles asked.
"Something like that", the agent continued the tour into the building to a labor where a huge model of a futuristic plane was hanging from the ceiling.
The group looked at it in awe; it was rather fiction than an actual possibility to have such an advanced warplane being built.
"It's a supersonic, the best one we have ever built", someone appeared behind them. "You should see it in real life"
It was a young man with a typical science-guy look. "Hank, these are the special new recruits I told you about" the man in black introduced them, "Well, this is Hank McCoy. Our most talented and youngest among our researchers" he praised him making Hank smile proudly.
Charles stepped forward, his hand reached out for him to shake. "How wonderful, another mutant is already here. Why didn't you say?" he looked at the agent.
"Say what?" he was confused. It doomed Charles what he had done: "Because you don't know... I am so, so terribly sorry" he turned back to Hank apologizing genuinely.
"Hank?" the agent looked at the younger researcher. "You didn't ask so I didn't tell", he looked to the floor like a little child being caught having broken an expensive vase.
"So your mutation is what? Being super smart?" Raven took a step forward. "Well, Hank here graduated Harvard in the age of 15", the agent said.
Hank sighed, "I wish that's all it was". "You are among friends now, Hank. You can show off", Charles encouraged him. Hank nodded took of his shoes, hesitated shortly before taking his socks off, however soon stood barefoot in front of the group revealing a pair of beastly-claw like feet.
"Splendid", Charles laughed excitedly. Hank caught Raven smiling at him boosting his confidence so he showed off what these feet were able to do. So he jumped into the air a few meters above the ground, turned in mid air and hang head down from the supersonic model with only his feet holding onto it.
"You are amazing"; Raven's smile widened in awe. "Really?" Hank's cheeks turned to a slight pink.
Moira coughed, returning to the original business they had in the facility:

 "Then, let's find Shaw and catch him!"

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