Chapter 6

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"Tamsin, remember, we are not in a hurry", Moira whispered into her ear before sitting down behind the driver's seat again. Banshee, Hank, Alex and Raven got into one car, which Hank drove. The others got into Tamsin's and buckled up.

"This is going to be a long drive", Tamsin had said as Charles had told her to drive to Westchester in New York. "Well, we could go by plane, but you insisted on taking your car with you", Moira said in mock-complain. "And we could be there faster if you didn't insist on me driving this slowly", Tamsin laughed.

Charles was sitting in the back watching Tamsin carefully. He did not believe that her sleep talking was just gibberish. Maybe it was just coincidence that she was saying his name - but whatever she had dreamt it was stressing her out. The barrier around her mind was unstable and about to collapse. He had felt the massive mental force rushing through her head against the invisible wall.

Maybe Tamsin was not just the little sister of Moira MacTaggert but had more to her than meets the eye. Charles was curious about that - who was that Charles? What did they experience for it to leave such emotional impact on her?

"Are you listening, Charles?" Moira pulled him out of his thoughts. "Huh? What did you say?"

"I said: Do you have an idea how we will locate Shaw without the help of the CIA or the Division X?" she repeated and Tamsin glanced at him through the rearview mirror.

It indeed was a problem. They had no professionals, not the modern techniques and Moira's connection to the CIA would not help either - they did not want to help before Division X took over and especially wouldn't after the whole facility was destroyed.

"Since I also can't use Cerebro we will have to wait for Shaw to make his next move. In the meantime we will train to use our powers effectively".

"Cerebro?" Tamsin asked keen-eared.

"A machine Hank had built so I can enhance my telepathical power to find mutants all over the world" he explained shortly. "Ah, so that's how you found the others" Tamsin did wonder how they managed to find so many other mutants all of the sudden.

The rest of the drive was silent. They were deep in their own thoughts trying to process what happened. Tamsin did not know if she should regret what she had done or be glad she could save a life. This feeling she had – the explosion behind her, the tinnitus in her ear... it still echoed in her mind making pictures appear in her head she did not want to see. Pictures of death and cruelty.

However, she would never show herself struggling to her sister. If Moira were to know that her little sister was suffering she would not be able to bear it. Tamsin knew Moira blamed herself.

The separation in their younger years, Tamsin living with their military father instead of their loving mother – Moira still thought it was her fault that their mother chose her and not Tamsin.

Astonished Tamsin drove through a huge gate entwined with ivy and approached the impressive mansion of the Xaviers. She parked her car and had to wait some time until Hank and the others arrived. "Whose idea was it to drive here?" Banshee cursed as he got out of the car and stretched his limbs. He turned around to Tamsin as if he knew who the guilty one was but was shut up as he saw the huge mansion in front of him.

"Is this yours?" Banshee had asked in awe in front of the castle-like house.

"No, it's ours", Charles flashed him a warm smile.

"Nasty, Charles. I don't know how you survived living in such hardships", Erik said and Tamsin snickered. "Well, they were hardships soothed by me", Raven said and walked up to Charles, patting him on the shoulder. "Come on, it's time for the tour", she motioned the others to follow her as she went to the door.

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