Chapter 2

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What Professor Xavier had said on his presentation couldn't get out of Tamsin's head. Her thoughts only evolved around the so called X-Gene.

Was it really like this? That there are humans among them who were able to develop supernatural powers; was that the explanation for all that happened? Was that the reason these things had been happening to her?
She needed answers, she needed to look for that Professor Charles Xavier again – he might be able to tell them.
She arose from her couch to search for the pamphlet Moira had given her before. Maybe some kind of contact information was written on it.
Tamsin was not a tidy person. All her possessions were scattered all over the floor. The only things she had saved from her chaos were a few books and a framed photo of five uniformed men in front of a tank. They smiled into the camera and no one of them looked like they knew what was going to happen to them.
She didn't like thinking back to those times but she couldn't get herself to forget it, as well.
The photo was made back then in 1951 – after Tamsin had enlisted herself in the army as soon as she came of age. She had seeked the adventure her father had denied her; but the army had advertised with. But the adventure had turned out to be a horror.

As she was looking through her things for the pamphlet her telephone started ranging. Tamsin already knew who it was calling her – Moira. She was the only one who had ever called her.
Lazily Tamsin shuffled to the table and answered the call. "Kinross", she just said. "Tammy, you have to come here real fast!" her sister said quickly.
"What's wrong?" Tamsin asked – ready to race through the town to come to her sister's rescue. "That Professor... he is also a mutant? I don't know - Whatever... You have to come and help me" she pleaded.
Tamsin snickered, "How am I supposed to help you? You are a CIA Agent..."
"Just get your arse here already. I don't think he is dangerous, but we need to get there as fast as possible... and I don't want to sit alone with him, his also mutant sister and this man from Division X" she explained and Tamsin already understood her sister's dilemma. "I am on my way", she hung up the call and dashed out of her flat, racing through the town to the CIA headquarters in Langley. She couldn't believe that her sister was using her willingness to break the law for her own good...

After ten minutes she arrived on the CIA parking lot and Moira got in the backseat. "For a CIA Agent you sure depend on me pretty much", Tamsin joked andearned herself a cocked eyebrow.
"I should get paid for this, too" Tamsin sighed as she drove to the meetingpoint with the mutants and the other agent. She saw the three coming down theaisle between the parked cars, talking about something.
She caught Charles' eyes as he saw her at the steering wheel instead of hersister who was sitting on the back. His mouth went up in a half surprised smileand his eyes twitched. He opened the door to sit down next to the driver.
"Why?" Tamsin heard the agent ask. "Not can he only read minds, he can alsocommunicate with them", the blonde woman explained; which made her wonder whatthey have been talking about. Mind reading? Telepathical communication? IfTamsin didn't know better she would either declare them as conmen or mentallyconfused.
The blonde woman was vaguely familiar with Tamsin – she believed to have seenher in the bar back in the UK. She probably was the Professor's sister.
"Moira and I just had a lovely conversation"; he bend down a little to look atMoira who nodded, "Yes, we did".
Tamsin turned her head to look at Moira and then at Charles who was at the eyelevel of the agent again. It was a very weird situation she was in.
"That's incredible", the man in black exclaimed while Charles' sister sat down inthe middle of the back seat. Charles chuckled. "But I won't let you go anywhereelse without the authority from above", the agent then claimed and Charleslooked at him and asked: "Do you want to see another magic trick?" "Sure".
Charles held two fingers on his temple and said: "Get in the car".
"Good idea!" The agent was suddenly more than excited to take a seat in Tamsin'sImpala.

Tamsin however stared at Charles stunned as he himself took a seat and closed thedoor. "How did you do that?" she asked him as he looked at her wondering whyshe didn't start to drive yet.
"I am a telepathic" he said. "He can read and control minds, Tammy", Moiratranslated him and Tamsin stunned expression changed into an excited smilebefore she kicked the gas pedal and left the parking house.
"Where do I have to go?" she asked. "To the port", the agent said.
"The port?" Tamsin looked wide eyed at the man in black. "Look on the damnstreet, Tammy"; Moira hissed, even though she always used her sister as a taxiservice she didn't really like the way her sister had learned to drive. Sheblamed the military training and her past experiences.
"The CIA will compensate for the one hour drive". "One hour?" Moira snickered.That was the reason she called Tamsin – instead of one hour they would arriveat the port in thirty minutes. And every minute counted at the moment.
"Can I get to know why we are driving to the port at this time of the day? Oris it top secret again?" she looked at Moira through the rear mirror. "We aregoing to arrest a mutant called Sebastian Shaw", Moira explained and Tamsinnodded, she didn't need to know more. She pulled her Impala on the highway andcurved through the cars smoothly allowing her to speed up to 75 mph.
She was wondering if Charles was reading her mind at the moment and tried tonot think of embarrassing things. Sometimes she would throw in a questiondirected at him in her minds and glanced at him trying to see if he gave areaction. But nothing... he just looked through the window. "So, what is yourmutation, Miss....?" "Raven", she introduced herself shortly and gave Charles ashort look before changing her outer appearance to look like an old man. "Wow,amazing", Tamsin said and passed another car.
"So these mutations you talked about at your presentation really arehappening"; she said having the answer to one of her many questions, but shedidn't know if she should be relieved or worried.
"Yes, and hearing of Sebastian Shaw and his group of mutants we believe thereare many more than we first believed", Charles said furrowing his browsslightly at her tone.
"Tammy, have you already seen some?" Moira interpreted her sentence and leanedforward a little. Tamsin stared on the street and sped up a little, "I thinkso".
Charles put his fingers on his temples to see in her mind wether she had reallymet mutants before. But something blocked his way into her mind – somethingmade it impossible for him to get into her head. "Maybe we should talk about itover a cup sometime", Charles offered having a clue what might have blocked hermind. Tamsin just nodded and kept quiet the rest of the drive until theyarrived at the port, exactly thirty minutes early than the estimated time.
Tamsin waited in the car saying the ship was no place for her to be since shewas just 'a normal citizen'. Seeing Moira totally agreeing with that itprobably was for the better not to worry her sister by being on a military shiptrying to catch a mutant gone crazy. "Are you sure?" Charles had asked. Thewait would be long but Tamsin was used to it.

"Who is that?" Tamsin cocked her eyebrow as they brought a man with them ontheir way back to the car. "That is... Erik Lehnsherr" Charles introduced him."How is he supposed to fit into my car?" she raised her eyebrow even higher.
"I am not driving with you, I will meet you at my facility" the agent said and gaveTamsin a piece of paper where an address was written.
"Fine, then hop on in" she smiled kindly before sitting down behind thesteering wheel again. Charles sat down once again next to her while the new guytook the empty place behind the psychic.
"Who is that girl?" Erik asked as if Tamsin was not present. Tamsin scoffedbefore starting the motor. "Tamsin Kinross, Agent MacTaggert's sister", Ravenstated leaning her head back in exhaustion. Driving to the address the agenthad given her. The drive was silent and Tamsin was thankful for that. The newguy Erik intimated her and she was busy with her thoughts about mutants – becausenow she knew she was not normal either.


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