First Approach

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*Lapis's POV*
Sparkling blue rained down from the sky, however it wasn't the deep cerulean I was so used to seeing, instead it was more of a turquoise, you know the colour, it's not quite blue but also not really green... And it wasn't exactly raining, not calmly anyway. It was like huge harsh drops that fell at fast speeds... It was a storm. I was standing there, lost, I think. I felt... Trapped. But I wasn't trapped, at least I didn't think so, there were no chains on me, there were no cages, I was in an endless storming valley, but I couldn't move. That's why when the rain turned into a flood I was so close to drowning, because I was paralyzed, unable to fly, or at the very least swim. My vision was becoming foggy, but ahead of me I could see something, a beast. A beast with 6 legs, or arms rather, because there were no feet, only hands. The figure also had this mane of wild white-ish hair, on top of of its head. I tried to get a good look at the beasts face, but all I saw was its four large eyes, before my world went black. The last thing I remember was the beast yelling "Lazuli! Don't-" as everything faded.

I woke with a start as my alarm blared it's annoying high pitched ringtone. I sat up, yawned and stretched my arms over my head, before slamming my hand on the off button. I glanced to my calendar I had hanging next to my bed, the ocean themed one. The consistent little blue X's ended on a Sunday, meaning today was..... Ugh Monday.
I dragged myself out of bed with a groan before taking the few steps across the room to my dresser to pick out my outfit. A pair of light blue jeans, a black and white Led Zeppelin t-shirt, my navy-blue zip-up hoodie, and my black and white Converse. I look in the mirror, glad that I died my hair a deep ocean blue recently, otherwise the blue sweater would've thrown my whole outfit off.
I head down the hall to kitchen and poor myself a bowl of cereal, nothing real special, just Rice Krispies. After listening to the satisfying snaps, crackles, and pops for a moment I begin to eat. After breakfast I make my way to the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth before going to the livingroom to pack my backpack. Once every was all packed, I left for school.
The bus stop was empty as usual, aside from one of the younger students. Her name was Amethyst, and she was in 10th grade, along with my best friend Peridot, or along with where Peridot would be if she she wasn't a little genius who skipped the 9th grade last year and is now in 11th along with me. Apparently her and Peri are pretty close too. I don't really know. Amethyst wasn't a good friend of mine, but I spoke to her enough to consider her a pupil. She was shorter than most people, but feisty. Latino girls like her usually are... Not to be racist or anything. Amethyst was what I would consider 'punk/scene' her hair was long and bleached until it was nearly white. She had the classic emo bangs that covered one eye, and she had a couple facial piercings. Septum, eyebrow, and a lip ring. She also always dressed in darker colours like purples, greys, and black. Sometimes she'd wear white to shake things up a bit. She listens to a lot of Punk-Rock music, more than any average person would. You know the type right? Everyone knows someone like that.
"Hey Lapis." She greeted me
I glance over and reply with "Morning Amethyst. What's up?"
She shrugged "Not much. I'm tired as hell."
"Heh, same here." I yawned
"Hey..." She began " I have a cousin  who just started at our school a couple weeks ago... She's in your grade, and I think you have a few classes with her..."
I though for a moment, I did remember a new student being introduced in my Math and Drama classes a while back. What was her name again? Jessie? No... Oh I know! "You mean... Jasper?" Amethyst only nodded so I continue speaking "Yeah she's in some of my classes. What about her?"
"Well... She's new right? Just moved to town and all... And I'm sure you've noticed she's a lot different than the other girls 'round here... I was just thinking..." She said "You're good with people right? Maybe you could try and be her friend?"
"Me?" I questioned "I don't know..." From what I've seen of Jasper so far, she looked like the type of girl who didn't like people, and would beat anyone who tried to befriend her to a bloody pulp.
"C'mon Lapis! Please?" Amethyst practically begged "I think she'd actually like you! Just give her a try..."
I thought about it for a moment. Worst thing that could possibly happen is I get a black eye, which would get me some serious street credit. With a shrug I agreed to try and befriend Jasper "Fine, I give her a shot."
The school bus pulled up and we boarded it. We spotted Amethyst's other friends Pearl and Garnet and sat in the empty seat next to them. For the rest of the 15 minute ride we talked about random things, like our thoughts on what happened in the new Camp Pining Hearts episode last night, (If Peridot took our bus, that'd be all we'd ever talk about. She's a little obsessed with that show) or about homework assignments, or even just about what we did yesterday. When we arrived at school we went our separate ways.
My first period class was English. Peridot's in my English class and we sit next to each other, so we talked about Camp Pining Hearts while we worked on a short story we were supposed to write. That's basically all that happened in that class.
Next was Drama class. Mr. Jamie wanted us to get into groups of 4 to preform some kind of skit. Pearl and Peridot were immediately at my sides. We needed another member though. I glanced across the room to where Amethyst's cousin, Jasper stood, leaning against the wall, alone. I asked Peridot and Pearl if it'd be alright if I asked her to join us. Pearl looked uneasy but said that it'd be okay. Peridot shrugged and told me to go for it. So, with a sigh, I made my way across the room. It's now or never.
As I approached the other student I suddenly became more and more aware or what I could possibly be getting myself into. This girl was at least six foot five, and was totally ripped! Like I bet any amount of money that she could win the WWE without even breaking a sweat. Like Amethyst her hair was bleached white, except her hair was much, much longer. It was as if she'd never gotten a hair cut in her life! Her ears had those stretcher earrings in them, but not the massive ones, they were of decent size. They'd probably still heal if she stopped wearing them. She obviously had Vitiligo, but she was also rocking some pretty sick tattoos. She was dressed in a black tank-top with a yellow skull on it. She wore faded ripped jeans with a dangling silver chain coming off her hip, and she also wore these huge black combat boots. Her wrists we cluttered with black spiked bracelets and she had a black spiked choker around her neck. Also just like Amethyst she had a lip ring and an eyebrow stud. She looked intimidating as fuck! And here I was walking on up to her to ask if she wanted to come work with me, a twiggy little scene kid wanna be, and my two completely nerdy friends. Hoo-boy. Hopefully she was more friendly than she looked.
"Uh- hi!" I said as I found myself directly in front of her. "Jasper right?"
"Yeah, what's it to ya?" She snarled. Definitely not all that friendly. But I'd already approached her, I had to go through with it now.
"I'm Lapis Lazuli." I introduced myself "and I was wondering if maybe, you'd like to join me and my friends, Peridot, and Pearl, for this assignment?" I offered with a small smile, I sure to hell hope looked friendly instead of scared shitless.
She looked over my head in the direction of my friends. I followed her gaze to see Peridot and Pearl both waving shyly. Jasper's form shifted and I felt her eyes on me, looking me over, sizing me up for a moment, I felt like her prey and I didn't dare look back. What if I locked eyes with her and she got the wrong impression? What if she thought I was challenging her to a fight! That's the last thing I wanted. The large female before me let out a small deep chuckle, which caused me to snap my attention to her. "Tch, alright. Let's go Lazuli." She pushed herself away from the wall and made her way across the class in long heavy-footed steps. I quickly followed her back to my friends.
Long story short the class went pretty well. We did out little skit with little to no difficulties, and Jasper was cooperative for the most part and in the end we got a B+ which is pretty good. Jasper seemed to be an okay person. But something was a little odd to me. I found her looking at me, no staring actually. She was staring at me, a lot. I don't know maybe it was my imagination, but every time I looked in her direction she was looking right back, with a smirk plastered on her lips. Why? My only solution is she must've been grateful that I invited her to join our group. She probably wanted to approach me and say thanks but didn't know how. That's what I'm hoping for anyway....

To be continued....

To Dream of Malachite (Human Lapis X Jasper) Where stories live. Discover now