Party Time!

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We walked into the Diamond hall a little late, 7:30, the dance had started half an hour ago, but all was fine, we were allowed in.
The hall owner, Bhavi Diamond stood against a wall near the entrance, chatting about with both the person who'd organized the whole event, her younger sister Priya Diamond, and another woman Yolande Diamonde, the officer in command at our local police station. Although having a very similar last name Yolande wasn't related to the other two, in fact she was actually cousins with our mayor Whittni Diamonde. It was odd to see the officer in command at the dance, at first I wondered if there was a problem, but the woman wasn't in uniform so I figured she was probably here just to hang out and possibly to make sure everyone was behaving while they partied. I observed as something she said with a smirk made Bhavi blush... it occurred to me it was also possible she was just here to flirt. Adults are weird.
We moved past the entrance area into the main hall, where everyone just went nuts as the realized what was playing. I smiled and laughed as Amethyst, Peridot and I started belting out the chorus together "Oh, no, not I!
I will survive! Oh, as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive! I've got all my life to live! I've got all my love to give! And I'll survive! I will survive, hey, hey!"
I glanced to Jasper and noticed how totally in awe she was. She was just standing there, open mouthed, eyes darting around, taking a second to eye every rainbow streamer, to follow each multicoloured light, and to look over each individual person dancing and simply standing about in the large hall- which there were probably a few hundred of. I smiled and nudged her with my elbow. She snapped out of her daze and looked down to me. I pointed towards a large table. Her eyes followed and squinted as she tried to make out what was on it. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her arm to drag her over.
"Pretty rad huh?" I asked as we walked. She just nodded, speechless. We approached the table and I gestured towards the temporary tattoos, stickers and body paints and told her "Pride up"
I reached for two tattoos, one was the pansexual flag, and the other simply said 'Proud!' Each letter being a different colour of the rainbow. As I started to apply them to my wrist, where I wanted them, I noticed Jasper was staring at two tattoos that sat side by side on the table, one was the trans flag and the other was of two stick-women holding hands. "C'mon babe- stick them on! I know you want to!" I encouraged. She looked around and noticed our other friends were covering themselves up in tattoos and paint as well. Peridot and Amethyst sticking everything relatable to them to their bodies, while Pearl and Garnet settled for painting matching rainbow hearts on each others cheeks. Jasper looked back to the tattoos and picked them up, she peeled the plastic coverings and stuck one on each hand, using the damp towels provided to properly apply them. I smiled and glanced back to Pearl and Garnet as they worked on their matching hearts. I bit my lip before asking "You wanna do something like that?"
She looked over and nodded "Yeah sure- lets just make em pink though... it's easier."
And that's what we did, it was a quick task that we got done in a minute of two. However as we finished, and Katy Perry's 'Fireworks' started to play, someone tapped Jasper on the shoulder. She turned around to see Rose and someone else. "Oh hey aunt Rose... and uncle Brian..." Jasper greeted
The person I was unfamiliar with shushed Jasper "I'm preforming Tonight Hun- call me by my stage name."
"Oh- sorry!" Jasper rose her hands in defence "Sup Rainbow Quartz" she asked
Rose interrupted "Well I was telling Rainbow about your growth- she wished to see you for herself and then I happened to see you were here so I brought her over."
'Rainbow' nodded giving my girlfriend a full body once-over. With a smile she commented "and she was right- you've grown beautifully. Glad to see your folks aren't total dicks and let you start taking that E- it's doing you wonders baby."
Jasper blushed and waved the compliments off "Thank you... so... we didn't see you at thanksgiving..." she'd started.
Rainbow rolled her eyes blowing out a puff of air "Yeah- you should know how I feel about family gatherings by now... a room full of bigoted cisshets who'd do nothing but talk trash about me to my face? No thank you. I went with my boyfriends family.... speaking of boyfriends... you got one yet?"
Jasper shook her head and gestured to me "Girlfriend. This is Lapis, Lapis- this is my uncle Brian... he's a drag queen, Rainbow Quartz. Pretty cool right?" She asked me
I nodded and extended my hand to shake "Nice to meet you- I've never met a real drag queen in person before. What are you going to preform?"
Rainbow shook my hand "Yeah- we tend to hide away in gay bars away from kids." She shrugged "and my performance is a secret- you're going to have to wait."
I went to look to Rose for some kind of a clue but she wasn't there anymore. Instead she was a couple feet behind me talking with Pearl.
Suddenly another familiar voice sounded "Hey-RQ!? Ms.Priya says is nearly your cue..."
"Ah right- thanks Greg." The Queen waved to us as she retreated towards the backstage door "see ya later kids"
I looked to the familiar voice and my eyes widened in surprise. "Mr.Universe?!"
The man look towards me and my friends "Oh hey kids! You look like your having fun!" He smiled
"Yoo-" Amethyst cut it "Teach? The heck you doing here? I didn't know your queer!"
Mr.Universe held up his hands in defence "I'm just an Ally... I'm just volunteering here as sound man"
"Sound man?" Rose finally noticed the new person "but if the sound man is here who's playing the music?"
"I got Sour Cream on that right now- the kid wants to be a DJ, I couldn't say no." He shrugged sheepishly. "Priya's got me running errands now..."
"Sour Cream? Is he yours?" Rose asked
Mr.Universe blushed a little "Oh no- he's Vidalia's son. Vidalia's like a sister to me."
Rose nodded in understanding "So I assume you know my brother or something?" She questioned
Mr.universe nodded "I met him in university- before he dropped out. We're pretty good friends... Brian never told me he had a sister though... in fact he never told me about most of his family."
"Makes sense- the older members and our brother are rather.... mean towards him." Rose explained. The two of them got into a full on conversation after that, so me and Jasper went to join the others as 'Same love' by Macklemore began.
We all just started chatting about, discussing how great the dance's decorations were and how we were all curious to know what Rainbow Quartz would preform.
"Probably 'Born this way' by Lady Gaga." Peridot said "Queens always go for Gaga."
Sure enough it was 'Born this way' that was preformed, and after that Rainbow also preformed 'Fight song' by Rachel Platten, and 'We R who we R' by Kesha
After that Rainbow Quartz left the stage and a pansexual comedian by the name of Sardonyx came on stage to crack all too relatable jokes about being pan, Which we enjoyed, until we were met with Rainbow Quartz standing behind us. "You kids doing anything tonight?" The queen asked.
"No not really..." Jasper responded with a shrug.
"You and your friends wanna come over for some drinks?" She asked
"We're all underage..." Pearl informed.
Rainbow shrugged "you think I give a shit? C'mon kids it's free alcohol. When I was your age I was all about getting a free drink."
Amethyst fist-pumped "Heck yeah! I'm in! You're the raddest, Uncle Brian!"
Jasper just shrugged "eh whatever, why not?" She said.
Peridot and I agreed to follow our dates to their Uncles place.
Pearl and Garnet had to discuss it for a while. They said they'd come for a few but then would go home.
So we had fun and partied around an hour and a half more until we made our way to Rainbow Quartz's flat. Where we only got a little drunk...
Ok Jasper, Amethyst and I got fucking smashed, Pearl allowed herself to get tipsy, but Garnet and Peridot stayed sober. It was a fun time, we all got to DJ for a bit, play a few of our own songs and have a jamming time. It was cool. I don't remember most of it though. In fact one of the last things I remember 100% clearly was when we left the hall, Priya and Bhavi Diamond were hugging it out as Yolande watched with her arms crossed and an opened beer in her hand.
"Don't worry Bhavi, I can watch the hall myself. I'll even clean up after it's over. Go have some fun." Priya said as they pulled away from their hug
Bhavi shook her head "I couldn't possibly- What kind of sister would I be if I didn't help..."
Yolande rolled her eyes at this and sipped her drink with not a word
Priya waved her hand in a dismissive fashion "B, really... it's not a problem. Besides you've been so busy lately. You deserve a break. You deserve to go have some fun." She smirked and nudged her sister with her elbow
Bhavi blushed a little "Oh shush- you know I don't do that kinda thing unless I can trust the person."  She shook her head and playfully shoved her sister.
"She's the damn Chief of police- she's gotta be the most trustworthy chick in town." Priya laughed
Yolande smirked "That's true. Don't worry worry Bhavi, I'll get you home safely, I guarantee it."
Bhavi's blush darkened "ok alright fine. Let's go. Priya- you're sure you're okay?"
"Yes, yes I know what I'm doing! Go have your fun!"
That's the last clear thing I remember
Which is why the way I woke up was such a surprise...

//AN: aaaand I'm leaving it there for a while. ;p
in case you didn't notice I included the Diamond's... and in case you were wondering- yes I picked the names based off meaning. Bhavi is an Indian name meaning Emotional, Priya is an Indian name meaning Beloved. Yolande is a French name that can mean strong, and Whittni is an English name that means Power. You can probably guess who's who based off the 1st letters...

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