Chapter 1

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**Raura are in Preschool**

Mrs. B: Good Morning Class

Class: Good morning Mrs. B

Mrs. B: We have a new student. Come in Laura

Laura: (Shyly walks in) H-Hi

Jake: Nerd...

Laura: (Looks down)

Mrs. B: Laura you may sit by Ross. Ross please raise your hand

Ross: (Raises his hand)

Laura: (Walks to themtable)

Myra: (Trips her) Oopsies (Giggles)

Class but Ross: (Laughs)

Ross: That wasn't nice (Helps her up) Are up okay

Laura: Yes. Thank you 

Ross: (Grabs her hand, walks her to her seat) There (Sits downs in his seat)

Laura: (Smiles alittle) 

Mrs. B: Okay you can talk for 30 minutes (Goes to her desk)

Ross: What you name. Sorry I forgot...

Laura: I-It's okay I-I'm L-Laura M-Marano

Ross: Well I'm Ross Lynch. You must be really shy

Laura: (nods Yes)

Ross: Nothing to be shy of. May be we can be friends, and I can get to know you better. And Teach you not to be so shy

Laura: Sure. Wanna play 20 Questions

Ross: Sure. You first

Laura: what's you favorite color

Ross: Yellow. you.

Laura: Red

Ross: Do you like music

Laura: Yes I can play piano and write songs

Ross: I can play lots of stuff and I write songs to

Laura: Cool

(Afters Class at lunch)

Laura: (Sits at a tabel by herself)

Ross: (Sits by her) Hi

Laura: Hi

Ross: why are you sitting by yourself

Laura: They said they didn't want me over there but it's okay

Ross: I'll just saying over here with you

Laura: Thank.

Ross: What do you have fo lunch?

Laura: A apples, Cupcake, cookies, A ham sandwhich and grapes juice

Ross: A Orange, Turkey sandwich, Cupcake, Jello and Apples juice

Laura: Wanna switch

Ross: Sure

Raura (Swiches lunch)

Ross: (Chuckles)

Laura: (Giggles)

(At the End of the day, at the playground)

Laura: Wanna go over my house

Ross: Sure I have to ask my mom

Laura: Okay

RM: Hi Ross, ready to go home

Ross: Can I go over Laura's house

Stormie: Sure but I have to ask her mom

Raura: Yes!

LM: Hi Laura. Hi Laura's little friend

Laura: Can Ross come over our house

LM: Sure but I have to Speak with his parents

RM: Right here

LM: Oh nice to meet you

RM: You too.

LM: Would you like to come over too. I'll drive

RM: Why not. (Laughs)

LM: (Laughs too)

Raura: (Don't get the joke) Moms.. (Rolls their eyes)

Rm, LM: (Glares at them)

Raura: (Eyes widen)

Ross: Come on Laura lets go to the car (Grabs her hand, Runs)

Laura: Woah (Runs to)

Rm, LM: (Laughs, walks to the car)

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