Chapter 29 ;)

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(A/N: It's been 2 months, February. They have to finish middle school then they go to high school. Laura has a boyfriend. Ross is not jealous but he's supportive.)

(In class)
Laura: *Talking to Ross* Did you do your project. It's due tomorrow
Ross: I forgot!
Laura: *Giggles* I'll come over later
Ross: You a life saver!
Laura: I know ri-
Cody: *Walks up to them mad, annoyed that she's talking to Ross* Hey Babe!
Laura: Call me babe again we're over
Ross: She thinks it's disrespectful
Cody: *Rolls his eyes* Hey Laura. What are you to up to.
Laura: Ross forgot to do his project. AGAIN! So, I'm going over his house
Mr. T: *Walks in* Hello class
Class: Hello Mr. Tate
Mr. T: Okay, so tomorrow is the Valentines day dance.
Class: YAY!
Mr. T: But it's a guys ask girls. So we approved this by our principal and... The students may go around the school, asking the girls so I guess class dissmissed!
Class: *Leaves*
(In the halls)
Ariana: *Runs to them* I got a date to the dance!
Victoria: Me too
Laura: I'm just waiting for Cody to sdk me... 
Ross: I don't wanna date... All the girls here just care about how they dress
Laura: I know r-
Myra: *Screaming through the halls* Cody just asked me out
Laura: WHAT!
Myra: *Goes to Laura* He just asked me a few minutes ago. Then kissed me. Are you jeaulous
Laura: No that was my boyfriend
Myra: Oh I'm so sorry *Feels bad* 
Laura: It's okay if you see him again tell him not to talk to me
Myra: I'm so sorry *Leaves*
Ross: Okay so I guess it's only 1 girl who I really wanna take to the dance
Ariana: Who?
Ross: Laura *Smirks* Would you like you go to the dance with me
Laura: I'd love too *Smiles sweetly*
Ross: Great! *Kisses her cheek* Bye *Runs away*
Laura: *Chases him* Don't kiss my cheek! *Laughs*
Victoria: If Rydel was here she'd say-
Ariana: There totally getting married
Victoria, Ariana: And she right *Looks at eachother, laughs*

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