Chapter 37 ;)

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(Next day, Ariana, Zendaya, Victoria, Calum, Raini are awake)

Ariana: God, I don't wanna go to school today! 

Victoria: I'm going to call my mom *Calls her*

Zendaya: Guys! You know we don't have school on Saturday right *Chuckles*

Ariana, Victoria: IT'S SATURDAY!?

Rocky, Rydel: *Wakes up*

Zendaya: Yeah...

Victoria: *Hangs up her phone*

Rocky: Why are you yelling?

Victoria: Because we want to

Rydel: *Rolls her eyes* Guys, where Vanness, Riker, Ross, and Laura?

Calum: Uh, Riker and Vannessa had a fight last night. So, Riker is in a guest room and Vannessa is in her room. And knowing Laura, she begged Ross to sleep in her room. 

Raini: Okay, now we need to come up with 2 plans

Rydel: What?

Raini: The first plan we need to get Vannessa and Riker to get along again but we need to get Seth away from Vannessa. And Plan 2 we need to help Ross's memory back so he'll remember R5 and Laura because Laura and Victoria have a interview that I set up. And if Ross doesn't get his memory back Laura is going to snap.

Rocky, Rydel: We got Ross...

Calum: I got Seth

Zendaya, Ariana: We got Victoria and Riker

Raini: Lets do it!

Calum: Wait, It 6:00am

Raini: Okay Lets do it later..

(With Raura)

Ross: *Wakes up, Yawns* Where am I? *Looks around, Remembers*


Raura: *Watching a movie*

Ross: *Yawns* 

Laura: *Sees* You tired?

Ross: Yeah.. Kinda, you can go to your room, I'll sleep here

Laura: No come on, you can sleep in my bed with me...

Ross: Laura, I think our parents would mine that

Laura: We do it all the time..

Ross: No...

Laura: Okay... *Turns around, gets an idea, falls* Oww *Acts like she's hurt*

Ross: *Runs to her* Are you okay!?

Laura: *Sheds a tears* I can't walk...

Ross: Here *Picks her up, bridal style, walks her to her room*

Laura: *Tries not to laugh*

Ross: *Puts her on her bed* There. Are you alright

Laura: Mhm... *Pulls him in bed with her* And you're sleep here..

Ross: Laura...

Laura: Pleaseee... *Does puppy face*

Ross: *Sighs* Fine... *Tucks them in*

Laura: *Turns off the light* Night Rossome

Ross: Night Laurie Bear

Laura: *Eyes widen* You remember!

Ross: Remember what?

Laura: The nick name we used to always call each other!

Ross: *Has a memory*


Ross: (Sits next to her, Pulls something out the couch) Here (Gives it to her)

Laura: My bear (Hugs it, stands up)

Ross: (Take a deep breath, Stands up too, hugs her from behind) I Love you Laurie Bear

Laura: I love you too Rossome (Giggles)

Rydel: Aww (Jumps up and down)

Raura: (Giggles)

~End of Memory~

Ross: I guess I do

Laura: *Giggles, Hugs him* Night

Ross: Night 

Raura: *Falls asleep*


Ross: *Looks at Laura, Chuckles*

Laura: *Wakes up, rubs her eyes* Morning *Smiles*

Ross: Hola...

Laura: *Rolls her eyes* You know you have band practice today, Right?

Ross: I'm in a band?! Cool! What's our name?

Laura: R5

Ross: Awesome!

Laura: Well I gotta go *Leaves*

Ross: I gotta remember that girl... *Smirks to himself*

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