Chapter 25 ;)

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(On the plane)

Rocky: Laura, please stop...

Laura: But they never reach the ground

All but Laura: Because your short!

Laura: (Rolls her eyes) I'm 7

Victoria: Guys, look how far we are

Everyone: (Looks out the windows)

RM: (Walks in from the back) Guys, were about to land, buckle up. (Leaves)

Kids: (Buckles up)

(After the plane lanes, at the hotel)

LM: Okay boys you guys share a room and girls share a room. All moms and dads get their own room. Hurry and change because we going to the day at the beach

Kids: (Goes their room)

(After done changing, At the beach)

Laura: (On Ross's back) I'm on a beach in December!

Ross: No, your on my back in December

Laura: Yeah, yeah...

Calum: I'm going in the ocean (Runs)

All: Wait for us! (Follows)

Parent: Be careful!

(In The ocean)

Zendaya: I'm swimming on Christmas. So cool.

Ross: (Kick something)

Laura: Stop kicking me....

Ross: (Pokes her arm)

Laura: Really...

Ross: Yup!

Laura: Okay... (Pushes Ross's under water, swims back to shore)

All: (Laughs)

Ross: (Comes up, chases Laura)

(On shore)

Laura: (Running) Stop!

Ross: (Doesn't listen, tackles her) Say your sorry

Laura: (Gets on top of him) Your sorry (Giggles)

Ross: Whatever...

Laura: (Sees a poster) Hey look! (Gets up, helps Ross up, goes to the poster)

Ross: What's that?

Laura: It said Christmas concert for kids... 1st place gets a record deal, make a music video and get a tour!

Ross: Lets go ask our parents.

Raura: (Leaves with the poster)

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