Chapter 61 ;)

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(In Hawaii)

Laura: *Runs off the plane* I love Hawaii!

Olivia: Who doesn't?

Tia: *Raises her hand* I hate Hawaii! Sun burning, Sand everywhere, girls in bikinis! Ew!

Ross: The boys actually like the bikinis so...

Laura: *Punches him in the chest* Shut up...

???: *Waves at Ross*

Ross: *Waves ??? over there*

Laura: *Groans* Why is SHE here?

Olivia: You know Ross, he's girl crazy...

Laura: True...

Ellen: Come on guys we got to check in our beach house...

Tia: I'm not walking on sand...

Laura: Get on my back...

Tia: Thank you *Jumps on her back*

Laura: You coming Ross?

Ross: Nah, I'm gonna hang with Maia

Laura: Okay *Leaves*


Olivia: Laura, your hair is too boring...

Laura: Excuse me...

Tia: Can I dye your hair?

Laura: What color?

Olivia, Tia: Green/Pink *Says it at the same time*

Laura: No and No...

Tia: How about I dye your ends Amber?

Laura: Hmm, let me go ask my mom

Olivia: Great we're doing makeovers!

Laura: I love makeovers

Tia: I don't I'm the one who does all the work!

Laura: You're the one who went to beauty school

Tia: Good point...

Ellen: *Walks in* Hey girls

All: Hey

Ellen: We're having a Christmas Luau later on

Laura: Mom, can Olivia dye my hair... well my ends Amber?

Ellen: Uh, sure but nothing else dyed.

Laura: Okay, mom thanks

Ellen: Bye! *Leaves*

Olivia: I want pink highlights

Tia: Okay, okay...


Tia: And I'm done... *Still straightening Laura's hair*

Olivia: You know what done means?

Tia: *Putting a bobby pin in* Yes, I just had to finish that

Olivia: Can I see her now?

Tia: *Moves out the way* Ta-Da!

Olivia: OMG!

Laura: Can I see it?

Olivia: *Gives her a mirror*

Laura: *Takes it, Gasps* Oh, my god I love it! 

Tia: Do you guys know what time it is?!

???: 7:00pm

All: *Turns around*

Olivia: Hi Maia!

Tia: Hey!

Laura: Hi...

Maia: I was wondering did you guys wanna go shopping with me, Ariana, Rydel, Zendaya, Vanessa, and Victoria.

Olivia: I'm in!

Tia: Me too!

Laura: But what about selfie time?!

Tia: We can do it later

Laura: I'm just going to stay here.. 

Maia: Uh, okay *Leaves*

Olivia, Tia: Bye *Follows*

Ross: *Walks in* Hey, La- What happened to you?

Laura: Tia dyed my hair...

Ross: Why didn't you go shopping with them

Laura: Truth or Lie?

Ross: Truth

Laura: I dislike Maia

Ross: *Chuckles* Why?

Laura: I'm jealous

Ross: In a boyfriend or best friend way?

Laura: To be honest, a little bit of both

Ross: Why are you jealous in both ways?

Laura: When ever you talk to her, you make me feel like I'm not body. And still kinda have feelings for you but I don't want us to be together at the time...

Ross: I know what you're going threw...

Laura: Hey, you still have that chance to steal my heart and get a kiss *Jokes*

Ross: Well, maybe because tonight we're having a picnic

Laura: We are?

Ross: We are *Leaves*

Laura: *Giggles to herself*

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