Chapter 30 ;)

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(With Raura in the gym)

Laura: Okay *Hops on his back*
Ross: Woah! *Gets his balance* Well thanks for trying to kill me
Laura: Your welcome
Cody: *Walks in with Tia, Doesn't see Laura*
Raura: *Looks at them*
Tia: Why'd you bring me here?
Cody: I wanted to ask you to the dance
Tia: But What about Laura?
Cody: Oh, we broke up... *Lies*
Tia: No you didn't oh and I hope Myra and Laura dump you... Bye Tia OUT! *Leaves*
Cody: Ugh!
Raura: *Comes outs* We heard you!
Cody: *Jumps* Where'd you come from?
Laura: Behind the bleachers
Cody: So you heard-
Laura: Yup. So you want me to dump you?
Cody: No!
Laura: Okay... But I will get my revenge!
Cody: *Eyes widen* What do you mean by 'Revenge'?
Laura: You'll see... *Leaves*
Cody: What does she mean?
Ross: I don't know.... Maybe I-
Laura: *Burst back in the gym* Before I leave.. *Slaps him in his face* I may be 13 but you messed with the wrong girl... Oh and since I'm kinda famous this can be in a magazine byes *Grabs Ross, Leaves*
(With Raura)
Raini, Calum: *Runs up to them* Hey Ross your brothers started a band!
Ross: Really? Why?
Laura: Well since I know you guys kinda wanted to stay in the spot light. I told Clevver Tv
Ross: Thank you! *Hugs her, Picks her spins her around*
Laura: *Hugs back, giggles*
Ross: *Puts her down*
Zendaya: Hey guys, I didn't get asked to the dance !
Calum: And your happy because?
Zendaya: I didn't want 1!
Raini: You have some problems!
Laura: Oh, Ross. Tell Riker to come over my house
Ross: Why?
Laura: You'll see... *Leaves*'
Ross: She is a puzzle you can never figure out....
All but Ross: Agreed

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