Chapter One

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Hello, and thank you for taking a look at my story! Though this novel is complete, that doesn't mean it's perfect.  Constructive feedback is greatly appreciated!

And on a side note, all dedications are to people who have kindly taken the time to read, vote, comment, and show support for this story.  I am so thankful for my readers, and without them this novel probably wouldn't be complete.

It only takes a moment—sometimes, a fraction of a second—before your life turns completely upside down.

This was not one of those moments, but to my taut muscles and pounding heart, it certainly seemed so. I reached up and adjusted my goggles, making sure they were secured around my skin-tight swim cap. Then, wiggling my toes against the rough, grooved surface of the starting block, I mentally prepared myself for the all-consuming race.

"Swimmers, take your marks."

I bent over and gripped the starting block with both hands, fingering the bottom like an outlaw would finger his gun in a showdown.

I can do this.

Narrowing my eyes, I focused on the translucent turquoise water below. The thick black line on the bottom of the pool was visible as a fluctuating geometric design.

Bring it on.

The piercing sound of the buzzer launched me into action. In a heartbeat I dived off the block, arms flying together into a streamline position. I entered the water flawlessly. One second I was soaring through the air, my leg muscles taut, and the next I was gliding underwater. My legs automatically entered into a powerful dolphin kick, propelling me forward a few yards until I resurfaced. Then my arms followed suit and strained forward, one after another.

Freestyle was my favorite stroke and by far my best. I felt a surge of adrenaline as my whole body worked in unison, my limbs like clockwork, as my mind constantly reminded me to keep in rhythm with my strokes. Before I knew it, the fluctuating black line at the bottom terminated, and I tucked myself into a ball. I performed a quick flip turn before pushing off the wall, gliding underwater for a few yards before breaking out into freestyle once again.

Fast-ter. Fast-ter, I chanted in my head. I. Can. Do. This.

My lungs throbbed with the need for air, but I ignored my oxygen crave and focused on the rush of competing instead. I was almost there. The wall was in sight. My arm strained to reach forward, to brush the tip of the tile and prove that I had made it.

It was all over in a millisecond. I high-fived the wall and jerked my head above the pool. Whipping my goggles off, my gaze automatically flew to the timer positioned at the far side of my lane. As soon as I saw my time, my hopeful smile vanished.

"Excellent time, Bennett!" Coach Davey strode over to my lane and gave me a large thumbs-up. His lips stretched taught against his teeth in a wide smile. "You never fail to impress me, kid."

I clung to the side of the pool, my chest heaving for air. "Thanks," I gasped, "but...was it good enough?"

Coach snorted. "Of course. You have nothing to worry about for the meet this weekend."

"No, it's not that."

His smile turned down a notch. "Ah."

Our eyes locked, and we both knew what the other was thinking. My time was fast, much faster than anyone at Newland High or the rest of the high schools in the area. But it wasn't fast enough to qualify for the Junior Olympics.

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