Chapter Twenty-Four

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I had never been so weary, exhausted, and hungry in my entire life. My back was bruised and scraped, my feet were scuffed and dirty, and my body felt like it had been tossed in a blender at high speed. My hair, still sopping wet, was plastered against the nape of my neck and soaked through my tank top.

"Are we almost there?" Mara groaned, resting her chin on top of Mom's shoulder. I glanced over and saw Mom grit her teeth, hoisting Mara higher up on her back. Though I had offered several times to carry her, Mom refused every time, even though it was clear she was on the point of exhaustion.

"I think the trail is just up ahead," I announced, pausing to survey our surroundings. I reached up and shielded my eyes from the bright sunlight with one hand. All I could see was an endless stretch of rough, rocky terrain to our right, and the glittering ocean hundreds of feet below to our left.

"Rayne!" Mom suddenly gasped. Her lips curved up into a slight smile. "Is that what I think it is?"

I strained to see what she was looking at, but the blinding sun made it nearly impossible to make anything out. The harder I stared, though, the more I thought I could see a dark shape in the distance.

"It's been years," Mom murmured, "but I wouldn't miss that sight anywhere."

"Our house!" I exclaimed. "We're almost there!" I let out a cry of excitement and pressed on with renewed strength. With each step I took, freedom seemed more tangible in the sultry afternoon air. It felt like days had gone by since I left Dad and Luke standing on the private beach, watching me disappear underneath the waves in hopes of rescuing Mom. I had dreamt of returning to the private beach with Mom and Mara in tow, proudly showing off our shimmering tails from the water, but hiking a few miles after a frightening underwater chase worked just as well. As long as we get home safely, I thought with a smile.

The three of us were exhausted yet overjoyed by the time we finally reached our destination. I had never been happier to see that pathetic little goat-trail winding its way down the cliff face.

"Finally," Mom sighed, relieved. She carefully slid Mara onto the ground before plopping down next to her. Meanwhile, I peered over the edge of the cliff in search of Dad. I spotted him sitting on the private beach directly below us, with Luke pacing the sand next to him.

"Dad! Luke!" I hollered. At the sound of my voice, the two of them suddenly whirled around, wondering where I was.

"Up here!" I called. Mom and I waved as Luke and Dad got to their feet and stared up at us, raising their hands to shield their eyes from the glaring sun.

Dad let out a cry of excitement that ricocheted up the walls of the cliffs. He sprinted over to the goat-trail with Luke on his heels. They made it to the top of the cliff in record time, looks of pure joy on both of their faces. Dad's brilliant smile overpowered everything else, lighting up his countenance with a glow I hadn't seen since Mom disappeared.

"Wait!" I giggled as the three of us quickly ducked behind a nearby bush. Mom placed a hand over her lips to keep herself from laughing. Apart from our scanty tops, we had no clothing.

"Wait," I repeated breathlessly. "I know we're all excited to get this reunion going, but can we put some clothes on first?"

The guys immediately froze in their tracks. A slight blush crept up on Dad's cheeks. "Oh!" he said, laughing nervously. "Right. Of course."

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