Chapter Seventeen

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The private beach came in sight after one last turn of the trail. I flew down the flight of steps that had been carved out of the cliff and dashed across the sand. I tore off my sweatshirt, shoes, and socks before plunging into the water.

As soon as the cold enveloped me, I closed my eyes and glided under the breaking waves, letting the ocean work its magic. Within a few moments, my anxious thoughts subsided and my racing heart slowed. I placed my hands near the gills protruding from my sides and marveled at their tender beauty. It felt amazing to be back in the ocean.

I drifted with the swells for a little while, but my body craved something more. As if on instinct, I found myself swimming toward the secret cave until I found myself underneath a familiar large stone arch. I raised my eyes and glanced at the glittering cliff walls before swimming upwards and breaking through the surface of the water.

All around me were the familiar sleek, glossy walls of the cave. Reflections of the water bounced off the walls and created fluctuating blue lines across the ceiling. I smiled, already feeling much better. I kicked up my legs and let myself float on top of the water, watching the reflections shimmering above my head. For the first time in what seemed like forever, I let out a sigh of contentment. Being here just felt so right. Surrounded by nothing but nature put my mind at ease and relaxed my entire being. I couldn't imagine living away from the sea. I wouldn't be able to handle it.

Mom loved the ocean too, I reminded myself. Dad said she went for daily swims and loved to be at the beach.

The thought brought the mysterious message back to mind. I swept my gaze over the glittering walls, searching for the little cleft where it was written. As soon as I spotted it, I eagerly swam over and peered inside. It took me a second to make out the familiar words, but as soon as I did, they warmed my heart.

The sea holds many secrets. – Miranda B.

Once again, I felt that odd sense of mystery and excitement. Mom was still alive, and she had written this message for me and me alone. I just knew it.

Why? Where are you? I asked as the hand-carved letters shimmering in front of my eyes. Why did you leave us? What are you trying to tell me?

Suddenly, I realized my legs felt stiff. I glanced down and tried to shake them out, bending my knees this way and that, but it felt like they had fallen asleep. I bit back a giggle at the strange feeling. It tingled and ran up and down my spine, wrapping around my gills and back down to the tips of my toes.

And then the pain hit.

I no longer felt like laughing; I felt like crying. My legs were suddenly glued together; the thick material of my jeans stuck haphazardly them. I held back a scream when the pain intensified so much that it felt like jolts of electricity shooting through my limbs.

My first thought was that I had been stung, either by a stingray or a jellyfish. But one glance at my surroundings told me that there were no sea creatures to be found.

I gripped the cave wall with both hands, my fingers trembling. Please stop, my mind pleaded. Though I tried to move my legs and reach a more comfortable position, it was to no avail. I was paralyzed. Tears began streaming from my eyes and floated upwards, lost in the deep blue of the water. I bit back another scream as the shimmering letters swam front of me.

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