Chapter Twenty

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"Mom?" I managed to whisper. But my words were lost to the deep blue of the ocean as the sound escaped my mouth in a plethora of bubbles.

Who's there? a voice suddenly asked, piercing my thoughts. It sounded like a frightened young girl.

Once again, I reeled backwards in surprise. Where had that voice come from?

I said, who's there? the voice repeated, even more frightened than before.

It's just me, I replied uncertainly, forming the words in my mind like I had communicated with the dolphins. My name is Rayne. Do you know what happened to my mother?

I waited impatiently for a reply. When none came, I mentally kicked myself for being so gullible. I was going crazy. Maybe I was only hearing things...

All of a sudden, a young mermaid emerged from around the corner of the cave. Her eyes and tail were brilliantly blue, just like mine, and she had dark hair that streamed in waves down to her waist. She was wearing a dark green top that exposed just a glimpse of her stomach. What are you talking about? she asked, her frightened tone suddenly replaced by one of confusion. That's my mother!

I was at a loss for words. I was staring a mirror image of myself, only younger. What in the world was going on?

Well? the mer-girl asked impatiently. What do you want with us?

I'm here to rescue my mother, I declared.

The mer-girl frowned. It's not funny!

I tried a different tactic. Is she dead?

Mom? The mer-girl opened her mouth and laughed, letting a stream of air bubbles float to the ceiling of the cave. No, she's just sleeping.

I closed my eyes and let a sigh of relief. Sleeping! I nearly laughed at my inanity. Mom was only sleeping...

I beheld her figure for another moment, this time with an optimistic, rather than a mournful, gaze. Listen, I said quickly, is there any way to get inside this cave?

The girl's smile drooped. I've been here my whole life and I've never found a way out. Even if I did, they would be sure to find out.

Another question surfaced on my tongue—who are 'they?'—but I bit it back. This wasn't time to get carried away by technicalities. I had to focus on getting Mom—and this mer-girl—out of the cave.

I turned my attention to my mother's sleeping form. Wake up, I urged, pleading for her to hear me. Please, Mom, wake up! If it's really you, wake up!

The beautiful mermaid suddenly stirred. She lifted her head and sat up, her eyes fluttering open. Mara? she asked the mer-girl sleepily. What's wrong? When she felt an extra pair of eyes staring at her, she suddenly swung her gaze to the peephole. Our eyes met, and she immediately sat up, surprised.'s me, I said quietly.

She clasped her hands together. Rayne? Is that really you? she cried, swimming right up to the cave wall and peering through the peephole to get a closer look at me.

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