Chapter Six

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"So how was school?" Dad asked as I slid into the passenger seat of our car.

"Not that bad, actually," I admitted.

"Make any new friends?"

"A couple." I turned my attention to the congested parking lot as Dad pulled out onto the street. Students were heading in all directions, and I wondered if the 300 or so teenagers who attended Shady Cove High all knew each other. The nearest town was thirty miles away, so it wasn't like there were any students who attended the school from out of town.

And then there was me—the new kid who happened to get on Madeleine Hansen's bad side the first day at school. I winced, remembering how she had glared at me with a look that could lift road kill. And all because she was worried that I was faster than her?

I turned my attention forward and realized we were already on the highway heading back home.

"And how were your classes?" Dad asked.

"No big deal, except my teachers loaded me down with tons of homework. What do they expect me to do—magically complete two months' worth of homework to get caught up with the class?"

"Exaggerating much?" he chuckled.

"Maybe. But still, I have a crazy amount of homework, more than I usually got at Newland."

"Well, you better get started on it as soon as we get home," Dad said. "There's no use procrastinating."

"Yeah...I guess you're right." I sighed and propped my elbow up on the armrest. The landscape that flew by the window made my heart beat a little faster—tall pine trees and large bushes gave way to rocky cliffs, and beyond that, the ocean. I grew even more agitated as we neared our house. Something was pulling me to the cliffs, and I felt the desperate urge to jump out of the car and take off at full speed to the ocean. So as soon as Dad parked the car, I grabbed my backpack and made a beeline for the goat-trail leading to the private beach.

"Hey!" Dad called. "Where are you off to so quickly?"

"I'm just going for a quick hike. There's a nice spot up ahead to do some schoolwork," I called back. The lie rolled off my tongue smoothly and effortlessly, like a knife through water.

"All right. Just don't be gone too long," Dad agreed. I waited until he disappeared inside the house before taking off down the rugged dirt trail, skirting rocks and bushes and scraggly weeds in my haste. I was huffing and puffing by the time I reached the edge of the Redrock Cliffs and gazed down at the churning ocean far below. Just the sight of the sparkling blue-green water ignited my heart and made my whole body pulse with renewed energy.

I flew down the last portion of the trail, skipped the final three steps, and jumped onto the sand. I quickly slipped my backpack off my shoulders before pausing to catch my breath. Sweeping my gaze over the private beach, I realized it was even more beautiful than I had remembered. The golden sand dunes shimmered in the sunlight and complemented the deep blues and greens of the ocean. The waves were no longer huge and crashing, but smaller and gentler, making swimming seem more feasible than the last time I had been here.

I tore off my jacket, shoes, and socks before shimmying out of my jeans and T-shirt. I was still wearing my damp bathing suit from earlier. My whole body buzzed with excitement as I strode towards the inviting water. I slowed upon reaching the shoreline, savoring the feeling of squishing my toes in the wet sand. My extremities were tingling in anticipation of what was to come.

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