Chapter One

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"Young master... Young master, wake up." A faraway voice called. I opened my eyes to the sight of Sebastian's face close to mine.

"Mm... Sebastian, what time is it?" I asked groggily. I tried to avoid his eyes, as there were numerous things that could and would happen if I stared for too long.

"It is six o' clock in the morning, my lord. I have gotten you up, just as you asked yesterday evening." Sebastian smiled his usual smile. I groaned. That meant that I had to do a lot of paperwork.

"What do I have to do today, then?"

"You have your paperwork, a meeting with several business men that could benefit your company massively, and a case to work on." Sebastian listed everything.

"Can't I just sleep some more? It's too early to work." I sighed.

"...Very well. Five minutes, and I shall be back with your usual tea. I assume that Earl Grey will suffice?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, yes. Just let me sleep."

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian stood up properly. I closed my eyes again.

I heard footsteps and the sound of a door closing. Sitting up, I opened my eyes again. 'Good. He's gone.' I sighed.

I realised how close Sebastian had been to me just there. My face heated up, and I pulled the blanket over my head to cover it. 'Calm down, Ciel... It's not as if that's the closest he's ever been...'

My eyes widened as I thought that.

Now that I actually think about it, how close has he been?

There was a knock on the door. Then, Sebastian walked in.

"Young master, you should be up by now. It has been exactly five minutes since I left." Sebastian pulled my blanket off of me. I rolled my eyes.

"Damn demon... Being completely on time..." I muttered. "You couldn't have let me relax for any longer?"

"Why, of course not! I must abide by your orders, and be not a second late. You said five minutes, I obeyed." Sebastian smirked. "After all, I am simply one hell of a butler."

I sighed. "Very well. Give me my tea."

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian handed me my Earl Grey. I reached out for it. "Be careful, it's hot."

"What?" I mumbled, taking the cup. As Sebastian had said, it was extremely hot. So hot, in fact, that it caused me to drop it all over my lap. I hissed in pain.

Sebastian was beside me in a second. "Really, master, you should be more careful. Now I'll need to draw you a bath and the meeting will need to be cancelled, rescheduled, even..."

"Sebastian!" I shouted. "Can't you see that I'm in pain?!"

"Of course, my lord." Sebastian went and got a handkerchief and started dabbing at my legs. I blushed slightly and looked away, my discomfort obvious, even through the pain.

Sebastian finished mopping up the tea. He then picked me up and started walking.

"H-Huh? Why are you carrying me?!" I yelled.

Sebastian smirked again. "I am taking you to have a bath. This is the easiest way to get you there."

"Well, I can walk just fine, thank you very much!" I huffed, another blush creeping it's way onto my face.

Sebastian rolled his eyes a little but put me down. "There. Are you happy now, my lord?"

I looked up at him. "..." It hurt a little, but I'd live.

Truthfully, I didn't want Sebastian to put me down, not at all. But if I didn't speak up, he'd notice that I was acting different and call me out on it.

He's not an idiot, he'd figure it out. Then, he'd make things awkward, and tease me, and-

"My lord? You're staring."

My face went red. Again. "No, I'm not! You're just in my line of vision."

"Of course," Sebastian smirked. Not giving me any time to say something in return, he picked me up again. "Honestly, this seems as if it's the only way to get you places..." Sebastian walked out the door, with me in his arms.

Once he got to the bathroom, he drew me a bath, just as he'd said he would.

"Sebastian, I don't need a bath..." I muttered as he undressed me.

"Yes, you do. You'll be wet from the tea, and if it dries into your clothes the smell will be unpleasant." Sebastian said, putting my clothes in a small basket that would be carried away later.

"And? I can just change clothes."

"My lord, not to be rude, but I do believe that you've needed a bath for some time," Sebastian stated.

Ignoring that, I let Sebastian lift me into the bath with his strong arms...

No. Bad Ciel.

After my bath, Sebastian got me dried and dressed. I looked up at him. His red eyes were closed, and the corners of his mouth were turned up in a slight smile.

"I'm afraid you've missed your meeting, my lord. You'll need to tell me a suitable time and date for me to reschedule." Sebastian said.

"Any time tomorrow is fine."


A.N: Okay, hey! I know that the last chapter was awfully short (as is this one, but...) and that this one was quite uneventful, but I have stuff planned. Don't worry!

Thank you for reading! xCocoLocox

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