Chapter Eight

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Ciel ran. He didn't even know why he was running, but he was. He'd been stupid. Why didn't he just stay at home? It would've saved the arguing, and Ciel wouldn't have confessed.

'...Shit. Shit, shit, shit. I basically told Sebastian that I was in love with him. That's not how I said it, but that's what it meant. Oh God, he's not an idiot. He'd have figured it out as soon as I said it.'

Ciel suddenly tripped. "AH!" He'd been so immersed in his thoughts that he hadn't cared to pay attention to where he was going. Ciel looked up. He was in a forest. The trees towered over him like buildings, and peered down at him menacingly.

It occurred to Ciel that he had no idea where he was. He stood up, wincing slightly as he looked at his knee. It had been cut badly, a large stream of blood flowing down his leg. It hurt, but he'd be fine. He had to be, Sebastian wasn't with him and his pride wouldn't let him call for him.

Ciel started limping through the forest. It was eerily quiet, nothing but the occasional ominous rustle in the bushes and Ciel's footsteps and breaths being heard.

'Why... Why did I think that coming out here would be a good idea?' Ciel sighed. He didn't dare say anything out loud in case there was something- or even, someone- out there with him. Listening.

Eventually, Ciel stopped. He'd been travelling for what felt like hours. His breaths were ragged and sharp, and his knee was only starting to stop bleeding.

It had gotten darker, a lot darker. The sky, from what Ciel could see of it, was nearly pitch black. Whether Ciel wanted to admit it or not, he was getting scared.

'Hah,' Ciel thought to himself. 'A fourteen year old boy who's been through more than most adults, afraid of a few trees and the dark. How amusing.'

Ciel's mind started to wander. To the place it always went to. Sebastian.

'He'll be angry with me. Absolutely seething. Probably confused, too.' Ciel clenched his fists. 'Any person would be, demon or not.'

Ciel tried to start moving again, but he couldn't. So he decided to sit down instead.

'I'm really pathetic without Sebastian, aren't I? He does everything for me. With him by my side, I'm the most powerful person in the world. Without him, I become nothing more than a weak child. I hate it. I hate this feeling of being weak. I hate the power Sebastian has over me. I hate how he'll one day devour my soul and move on to some other person. I hate how he doesn't love me.

But I don't hate him. Never, I'll never hate him. I only hate what he does to me.'

Ciel smiled slightly. A pitiful, watery smile.

He then heard a noise. Ciel jerked his head round in the direction it came from. "..."

There it was again.

And again, and again, and again. It was all around him, enveloping him.

Ciel stood up. He started running, as much as it pained him to do so.

"You can't run, Ciel Phantomhive."

Ciel looked all around him as he ran, not seeing anyone. He figured that it was his imagination playing tricks on him, he was rather tired after all.


To say that Sebastian was worried and confused would be an understatement.

What Ciel had said... Well, Sebastian didn't understand at first. Though, it hadn't taken him long to realise the true meaning behind his master's words.

'How?' Sebastian had thought. 'How could I have not noticed it before?' The confusing behaviour finally made sense. Ciel's spontaneous blushing, his avoidance of being alone with Sebastian for too long at a time, the fact that he wasn't trying to stop Sebastian when he tried to kiss him. It made sense now.

Sebastian smiled slightly. Then the panic struck.

His master was out there.

Alone, unarmed, oblivious.


I'm really sorry. Again. This is more just a filler chapter than anything, really. But, the murderer is present.

Does anyone have an idea of who (or what) they are? If anyone gets it, I'll... I'll make the last chapter EXTRA fluffy and romantic. Bearing in mind it was going to be that way anyways.

To the person who said something about it being Sebastian... Well, that was my first idea XD So well done for that, but it isn't him.

Welp, I'd really like to hear who you think the murderer is, so if you have an idea, please comment! Thank you!

(Btw how many people here ship Claudois? If there's a lot of you, I might write a little thing for Alois and Claude once this story's over, it'll be like the aftermath. Thoughts?)

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