Claudois Extra & Thank You

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Alois scrunched up the newspaper in his hands, his eyes beginning to pool with tears. Finally... The person who had been mercilessly slaughtering demons, whoever they'd been, was dead. Revenge had been gotten.

But now what?

Was this meant to be Alois' supposed 'Happy Ever After'? Was Alois supposed to just be happy that it was over, and move on with his life? Because that certainly wasn't happening.

Ciel and Sebastian had gotten to be happy together, or that's what Alois assumed, anyways. Was he not allowed to be happy?

'Obviously not,' He thought to himself bitterly. 'Claude's dead. The only good thing I had in my miserable life was taken away from me.'

Alois' hands began to shake. The newspaper fell to his study floor as Alois crumpled to the floor, too, trembling violently. He buried his head in his hands. "Cl-Claude...! Why did you leave me?!" He sobbed.

A hand on his shoulder, almost comforting. The blonde looked up, nearly expecting to see his butler. But of course, it wasn't. It was only Hannah, her eyes wide and sorrowful. The servants had been upset by what had happened, also. Alois figured that if a demon could love, a demon could grieve, too.

"Master... I believe you should go to bed... You need to rest..." She said softly.

Alois only nodded, too upset to insult his maid like he did most days. He allowed Hannah to help him up and began walking to his room. He wiped his eyes with his hand, still sobbing. Still trembling.

Alois managed to open his door, somehow. He took a few steps over to his bed, not bothering to shut the door again, and collapsed on top of his soft sheets. He didn't care that he was still in his clothes, he was exhausted. Emotionally, that is.

A while passed. The triplets had brought in several glasses of water that were never drank. Everyone tried to talk to him, to comfort him somehow. But, of course, nothing they said made any difference. Would their words bring back Claude? Surely they'd feel the same way if the one person they loved was ripped away from them like that... Anyone would.

He just wanted to see Claude again. To be with him.

'So, why don't you see him again?'

Alois looked over at his bedside table, where a black object sat. A gun.

An escape.

Nobody would miss him, right...? Maybe Hannah and the triplets would, for a short while, before returning to Hell. But nobody else would care, would they? He meant nothing to anyone else.

Maybe... Claude had been sent permanently back to Hell? He was a demon, and apparently that's where all the sinners went... And apparently, Alois was a sinner.

If Alois ceased to live, would he be reunited with Claude?

His brother, Luka... Maybe he, too, was in Hell, for making a contract with Hannah... No doubt, that would be where Alois was going when he died...

Alois looked back at the gun. It... It made sense, almost. Alois wasn't meant to be happy. Not here. He'd be happy with Claude, and to see Luka again. Maybe he'd get to be happy forever.

Alois smiled. He stood up, and reached over for the gun.

Canterbury was walking to Alois' room with a plate of food. He hadn't been eating properly, even when given his favourite foods. It was worrying.

Suddenly, a noise. A bang. A gunshot. It resounded throughout the estate.

Canterbury's eyes widened. He dropped the plate and ran through to Alois' room. As he opened the door, he was met with the smell of blood. His eyes fell upon Alois, who was already dead. He gasped.

Thompson and Timber came running, and Canterbury began to inform his brothers of what had happened. Hannah came over, and looked into the room. Her eyes widened.

Alois opened his eyes. He groaned. There was something bright, almost like fire. He heard giggling. Alois sat up, and looked around. His gaze landed on a boy. He had angelic wings, brown hair...


Luka smiled brightly. "Mhm!" He gave Alois a large hug.

Alois smiled a little. His brother was an angel.

He stood up. "Where is this...?"


Alois' eyes widened. "But... You're..."

Luka smiled again. "I have to go home now. Bye bye!"

"But, wait-!"

Luka disappeared in a flash of light. Back to Heaven, Alois assumed.

He looked around again. Alois began walking somewhere, in hopes to find someone else to explain what had happened.

After a little while of walking, he stopped. There was a person in front of him...

They turned around. They... No, HE looked surprised. Alois gasped.


He smiled.

Alois ran over to him, already beginning to cry. He launched himself into Claude's arms and sobbed happily. "Claude...!"

"Shh... It's okay..." He kissed Alois' forehead. "Please don't cry."

Alois nuzzled into him. He was so, so happy... And hopefully, that was the way it would stay.

Welp, that's the end! I'm terribly sorry for the long wait, I've been ill a lot, my phone (Which had everything I was working on on it ;-;) broke (I have a new one thankfully) and I've been feeling pretty unmotivated. But, it's over now! I'm pretty upset, actually. But this is my first ever completed story! I'm proud.

Thank you so, so much to everyone who stayed until the end!

Uh... You know what's kind of embarrassing about this story, though? I got the idea for the plot from the song 'Do It For Her/Him' from Steven Universe... Or at least, most of it. Music influenced the story completely.

Again... Thank you so much for reading!


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