Chapter Nine

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A.N: The long-awaited chapter nine. I rewrote this a few times, so please forgive me... This is the second-last chapter of the main story, and I'll have a oneshot about Alois as a bonus. Sound good?

Just as he'd convinced himself that he was imagining things, Ciel felt the breath of someone behind him on his neck. As soon as his mind registered the fact that someone was behind him, and extremely close to him, he ran. Or at least, he tried to run.

Whoever was behind him stuck their hand out, grabbing his arms, and effectively stopping him from moving.

"You're not going anywhere," whoever it was whispered.

Ciel whipped around to come face to face- well, face to chest -with someone he'd never seen before. He looked up to discover that this person was a male. His eyes were pink and glowing; they looked like Sebastian's demon eyes. 'A demon...'

"Hello, Ciel Phantomhive." The demon hissed. "You will be silent, and you will let me finish speaking, or else you die now. Understand?" Ciel glared. He started to back away slowly.

The demon smirked. "There's no need for that, is there?" He took Ciel by the arm and raised him into the air, throwing him hard to the ground.

Ciel hit the forest floor, his back being prodded by a large, sharp rock. He groaned quietly.

"Don't even think about getting up. You're a weak little bastard of a human, your skull would crush nicely between my palms." The demon gave Ciel a kick to the side to further prove his point of Ciel being weak.

Ciel noticed that his eyepatch had, somehow, come undone. It lay discarded to the side of his head. Ciel's eyes widened slightly. If he called Sebastian, he would come, if he wasn't on his way already.

The demon laughed. "How stupid, you are! It won't matter if your precious little Sebastian comes for you or not. He'll just suffer the same fate as the others for bothering to care." It was now that Ciel became painfully aware of the large axe resting in the demon's left hand.

"How do you-"

"Ciel Phantomhive. You're the one investigating the recent string of murders that have been occurring for the past few days, correct?" The demon positioned the axe's blade at Ciel's neck. "Your 'Sebastian' is my final victim."

Ciel's eyes widened to the size of saucers. "You...!"

"That's right. A demon that kills other demons. Oh please, where are my manners?" The demon fake-gasped dramatically. "I haven't even introduced myself. Not that formalities matter, you'll most likely be dead as soon as possible." He sneered. "I am Morte, or at least, that's what I am addressed as, the one behind all of the killings. Would you, since you're going to be dead anyways for knowing this, care to learn why I did it?" He didn't give Ciel any time to answer. "You see, demons shouldn't make contracts. They shouldn't fall in love, either. We're better than that. Demons should be going off and killing humans as they see fit, not going around, doing their dirty work, kissing them and saying 'I love you', who cares if the humans want something in return?!" He yelled, getting louder and louder as he went on.

Ciel took all of this information in. "Why is Sebastian your final victim, then?"

He stopped and grinned. "Because," he said. "There'll be no demons in a contract left in England." He leant down close to Ciel. "You know what? I'm hungry, and your soul will be the best meal that I'll have for a while."

Just then, Morte was thrown up against a tree by none other than Sebastian.

Ciel sat up slightly as he caught a glimpse of Sebastian's face. He looked tired, worried, and extremely angry, as he should've been.

Morte threw Sebastian off of him and held his axe high above his head.

Sebastian walked over to Ciel, the head of the other demon in his hand. He knelt down and began to tend to his wounds.

Ciel was in shock. It had been a long, bloody battle, and Sebastian had been badly injured. He had a large gash on his arm, his back was covered in blood from several scratches, and his neck had a small cut at the back of it. He'd won, obviously, but it hadn't been easy. Not at all. In fact, Ciel had been sure that he was going to die, just like all of the demons before him.


Ciel looked at Sebastian.

"Never do that again..." Sebastian coughed a little, blood appearing on his hands. He wrapped his arms around Ciel, not bothering to ask for his permission and collapsed.

Ciel looked with wide eyes at his butler. "Se... Sebastian...?"

He wasn't breathing. He wasn't moving. He'd suddenly gone so pale and cold...

Ciel screamed. Not one of fear, but a scream of pain. Physically, for the most part, he was fine, (or at least, he wasn't as sore anymore) but...

"Sebastian! Wake up now, that's an order! Sebastian! Sebastian!" He cried.

...Sebastian had survived worse than this, right?

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