Chapter Seven

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A.N: Alright, this chapter may not be the best, but I've had a little writer's block. Forgive me?

Also, this note is at the beginning for a reason. A good reason.

Ciel sat up. 'What time is it?'

Yawning, he got out of bed. He was tired, yes, but sleep wasn't coming to him any time soon. There was too much on his mind.

"Sebastian!" He called.

No answer.

Strange. Sebastian always came when Ciel called for him, unless he was out-

"Very sorry, young master. I was cleaning some rooms at the other side of the manor." Ah. There he was. Ciel looked up at his butler.

Sebastian looked rather... Messy. Well, that wasn't the right word. Maybe ruffled, or unkempt.

Ciel sighed. "That doesn't matter. I can't sleep, there's too much work to do."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "Concerning the murders? My lord, are you sure that's wise? After all, it could be-"

"I don't care!" Ciel snapped, cutting Sebastian off. "Sooner or later, people that aren't involved will start to notice things, important things! Do you want it to be known to the public that demons, reapers, angels and the like exist?!"

Sebastian stayed quiet. He was most likely thinking things over. Ciel barged past him, reaching for the door handle.

"Young master, may I ask where you are going?" Sebastian asked him, grabbing Ciel's hand.

"Out." He muttered, trying to yank his hand away from his butler. "Damn it, Sebastian! Let go of me!"

Sebastian did as he was told, and Ciel opened his door. The boy stormed out, with the demon following him.

"Get me my coat and cane."

Sebastian left to do as he had been commanded, leaving Ciel in the hallway. He was irritated, and slightly upset. He didn't know where he was going to go, but he wanted to leave for a while.

The boy began walking again, knowing that Sebastian would be at the front door waiting for him.

As expected, his butler was standing there holding what he had requested, a blank look on his face. "My lord, please... If you are going on a walk, I suggest that you allow me to accompany you. It is dangerous."

"Sebastian, at the moment you are at a far larger risk than I am." Ciel raised an eyebrow, secretly hoping that Sebastian did not pick up on the fact that he cared about his safety.

"Bocchan, I am capable of killing several fully armed creatures at once. You cannot tie your shoelaces without my assistance." Sebastian's eyes narrowed.

Ciel felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment and anger. "Shut up! I have a gun, I am perfectly capable of protecting myself! Besides, if I was really in any danger, you'd come to my aid immediately."

Sebastian shook his head, but helped Ciel fasten his coat anyways. "I really do think that I should come with you... Besides, don't you want to spend time with your butler?" The demon smirked.

Ciel looked away. "Not particularly." 'Lies.' "Anyways, the murderer may be out there. If they've killed that many demons, I doubt they'd shy away from you."

"If they're out there, it further proves my point that I should be with you. You're trying to catch him, are you not?"

Sebastian was partially right, but there was no way in hell that Ciel would admit it. "They've expressed no interest in humans so far."

"Yes, so far. I'm sure that they'd know the name and face of the person attempting to catch them. Who's to say you wouldn't be slaughtered on sight? At least I could get you to safety..." Sebastian stared Ciel in the eyes. "Please, master... Ciel..."

"No! I refuse to let you put your life on the line for something this trivial! It is only a walk!" Ciel cried.

"I put my life at risk several times before, what's the difference this time?"

Ciel stopped. What was different about this time?

'I didn't love you at that point.' "That doesn't matter! If you've done it for me, let me do the same for you!"

Sebastian grabbed hold of Ciel's arms and put his face close to Ciel's. "Why do you want to go to such lengths for a mere butler?"

"Because... Because!" Ciel clenched his eyes shut. He opened them again, a mix of emotions showing through them. "When you're in love with someone, you're prepared to die!"

Not giving Sebastian any time to register what had just been said, he pulled away and wrenched the large door open. Ciel dashed through the door and down the steps, leaving his butler to pick up the pieces of the words that had been said.

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