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When we got into the limo car thing that picked us up Simon sat in the front with the driver. It wasn't a limo but it was big and the back was blocked off from the front like a limo... it was weird. When we started driving I was just about to put my headphones in when apparently the guys thought it would be fun to make everything awkward for me. Typical men. They were all like creepy stalker stating at me but I finally couldn't go pretending I didn't notice much longer. "Do all need something?" I asked trying to break the creepy staring.

"So who do you think is the hottest out of all of us." Zayn spoke up. I tuned back to look at the boys all flexing their muscles and doing model poses. UHGGGGGG!!!!!!

"Wow you guys really cut to the chase don't you"

Ya... so tell us who" Louis spoke up.

"Truth is I don't think guys from cheesy fake boy bands are hot" I know I sounded a little rude but it was rude of them to put me on the spot like that. And the sooner I get them to realise that this relationship is strictly professional the better.

"Really, so you don't think any of us are even the slightest bit attractive?" Niall asked with a slightly hurt expression on his face.

"No don't get me wrong you are all attractive but I judge being hot by your personality along with looks and at the moment you all are lacking in the decent personality category so far." and with that the limo stopped in front of the flat we are staying at and I jumped out to claim the room farthest from the rest of them.

I briskly walked up the front steps to the flat and found a room I liked and locked my self in it with the boys hot on my tail firing questions at me about what I had just said.

When the pounding on the door finally stopped i waited until I was positive that they were gone and decided to sneak down stairs and skope out the place. So far all I know is that this place is huge! I quietly opened my door and began my mission (that's right I'm going full on ninja... not really lol). I started walking down stairs since I chose a room on the second floor and decided to go check out the kitchen first. one because I am starving and two... I just want food. I finally found the kitchen luckily I didn't run into anyone on the way. I looked through the pantry until I spotted it. The number one food on the face of the earth peanut butter. I grabbed the jar and spoon and went to the living room. hopefully everyone was still unpacking luckily they were. So I jumped onto the couch and turned on my fav show the voice. I haven't been keeping up on it since my mom told me to cut back on TV that fun hating troll. Right before they announced who was kicked off Louis jumped on the couch next to me and scared the living shit out of me.

"Hi!" Louis said in a very peppy voice considering how rude I was to him earlier.


"Why do you sound confused?" he asked with yet still a peppy smile on his face.

"How can you be so nice to me even though I was so rude to you all earlier?"

"Well we did kind of act a little self centered and rude earlier so I guess it was deserved"

"Ya but I meant about what I said about you guys being a cheesy boy band"

"Well you don't know us yet I mean we are anything but a cheesy boy band if any thing we would be known as a cheeky boy band" he said with a smirk.

"You got that right." we both laughed for a little bit. When Harry entered the room.

"What's so funny Lou... Sam? I didn't expect you to be the one laughing"

"Well technically it was both of us laughing" Louis said.

"But still I didn't expect to see Sam down here since I thought you hated us" Harry said.

"Well I was down here first but then Louis came down interrupting my show might I add"

"That reminds me what show were you watching anyway?" Louis asked.

"Only the greatest show ever the voice!"

"Lame!" Harry and Louis yelled at the same time.

"And what makes it so lame might I ask?"

"Well there really isn't any thing wrong with it but believe me the X factor is where it's at" Harry said.

"Why the X factor?"

"Wow you really don't know who we are. We were all on the X factor and Simon thought we would be a good group so that's how we got to where we are now" Louis added.

"Oh I thought you were one of those groups of friends that like grew up together and became famous because of their good looks or something."

"So you do think we are good looking" Harry said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ya like I said in the limo you guys are all pretty attractive just not hot to me."

"Oh well like I said earlier in the airport I am going to make you change your mind one way or another" Harry whispered in my ear.

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