Chapter 15~ A Helping Hand

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Tobin's POV

Lexa has a look of shock on her face, mixed with confusion, mixed with.. I don't even know as she scratches her head, thinking of how to reply.

"Uh, well Tobs, girls are fucking confusing firstly. Ummm, Alex and I probably don't have the same mindset so um I... CLARKE!" She yells, jumping to her feet, running to her room and pushing Clarke out of the room, shutting the door after her.

"Help Tobin!" she yells through the door and I shake my head at this move. That's so something lexa would do.

"That bitch.. anyways, what's up Tobs?" Clarke asks and I brace myself to retell the whole thing over again.


As soon as I finish explaining to Clarke everything that happened, my mouth, more like my jaw was sore from talking so much. But she seemed to understand more than Lexa did on how to respond.

"Well, my guess is that Lexa said Alex and I probably think similarly... Um this is a quite confusing situation you have here Tobs. First, how do you feel about her" Clarke asks and i couldn't help the smile that was starting to form on my face.

"Uh, well I kind of maybe sort of like her... like a lot. But she confuses the hell out of me. It's like she'd be willing to hurt me.. but she wouldn't. She said she wouldn't, but earlier with that asshole she said she would allow them to and actually eventually gave into it so I honestly don't understand what she's trying to do. I don't know whether I should trust her or not. Yes she's told me some personal things, but what if I let her in and she ends up hurting me. What if she's acting this way just to hurt me like she planned with him?" I say frantically gong through all the possibilities of what could happen.

"Tobin, chill. Listen to the first words of pretty much everything you just said. 'What if' that doesn't mean its going to happen, and god only knows maybe her intentions are the opposite of everything you're worried about? The girl seems a bit confused honestly. She's unsure if she wants him or you. But part of the story you said that she told you. Hope going to the hospital for stab wounds is true so I would understand if she was worried about her safety. My best advice is to get to know her more, see what her actual intentions and how she feels about you. Develop a bond and that trust. Because with every relationship you'll ever have, at one point, you will have the worry of what if they hurt me. In relationships, you will actually get hurt. But if its actual love, your partner will be able to heal whatever they have hurt in you, you will forgive one another, and move forward." Clarke says and I think about each and every word she has just said. Damn it was like talking to Oprah or Dr. Phil or someone. But just as I was thinking, lexa was the one to say it.

"Damn Oprah, I didn't know you lived here." Lexa says clapping and Clarke looks at her, sending a death glare as Lexa just chuckles, walking to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek, sending the memory of how Alex's lips felt against mine, and it made me crave more.

Oh my gosh, I had her number!

As I finally remembered this, I immediately pulled out my phone, putting her number in, debating on if it was too soon to text her, I mean I just got her number a couple hours ago... but she did ask me to please text her, so fuck it.

Me: Hey Alex, uh its tobin and you told me to text you.

I type, pressing send and realizing it was probably a bit of an awkward way to start a conversation but it'll be fine.

I wait a few minutes, and after about 10 minutes, I finally get a text back.

Alex: Uh hey, I know that this may not be a convenient time but uh I can't stay here tonight, I can stay the night at a friend of mine if you're with Clarke and Lexa, but if you're free, would it be alright if I stay over... it'll be just for tonight, I would hate to be a burden.

I look over at Clarke and Lexa as they have a quiet conversation, Clarke giggling every couple seconds, but to both my disappointment and gratitude, Clarke speaks up.

"Hey Tobs, were gonna head out, invite Alex tonight if you have her number or something, or you're free to come with us, we may go out tonight." She says and I smile.

"Yeah, I will definitely think of going out, and maybe bring Alex along, but you two knuckle heads are free to go." I say standing up and they collect their stuff before coming up to me, giving me a hug and exiting and I take this as a chance to text Alex.

Me: No no please, of course you can come over. Stay as long as you need as well. Are you okay?

I ask, knowing it was the nice thing to do and I get a reply instantly.

Alex: I just need to get away as soon as possible, is it alright if I start coming now?

Me: Yeah, that's completely fine

Alex: Okay, be there shortly. Thank you Tobin

She says and I smile, but then throw my phone on the couch, running to my bathroom to take a shower before she came back over. There was no way I was going to smell dusty, musty, or crusty around her.

I rush to grab a pair of sky blue and grey nike basketball shorts along with boxers, a sports bra, a baby blue shirt, and some socks as I hop into the shower really quick.

After I'm done showering and changing, I decide to make a quick 5 minute snack for her just incase she hasn't eaten yet, so I decide on making one of those small oven pizzas that take a few minutes, along with some pizza rolls with the drink being apple juice. It wasn't special but it's the most I could cook in less than 10 minutes.

Just as I pulled the pizza out of the oven, I hear a knock on the door and I already know who it is as I set the plate of now sliced pizza, the other plate of pizza rolls, and two bottles of apple juice on the table, I walk to the front door, opening it seeing Alex. But I could tell she was hiding something. Bruises most likely.

"Come in." I say moving to the side and she enters, turning to face me and as soon as I turn my attention to her, I see that her eyes have started to water.

"Alex, come here" I say opening my arms for a hug which she gladly accepts, starting to quietly sob on my shoulder.

We were just about the same height so I wrapped my arms around her torso, puling her close but she yelps in pain and I immediately let go, pulling back and lifting her chin so she was looking at me.

I wipe her tears, placing my hands on both sides of her face as I kiss the top of her forehead, pulling her in for another hug, this time being careful about where I wrapped my arms around her, making sure I didn't apply much pressure.

Time to see the damage...


Hey guys :) still on a good updating cycle and thankfully it's the weekend so I'll get writing done. Hope you guys have had an awesome day and please vote, comment, all that is greatly appreciated and I'll be updating again in a few days. Stay awesome :)


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