Marian, Julie, Paul & Nyla | 23.0

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Rick's P.O.V.

After a while, we really got to know the group really well. They've had their pasts, just like us. They were fairly geniune, and had much to share.

I liked Marian. She reminded me very much of Carol; a little more older, just very caring and thoughtful. Keeps mind of everybody.

Paul was more of a silencer. He didn't talk much. But weirdly, he still associated with everybody around him with his expressions. He probably had much of a darker past than everybody else in the group, but apparently, you'll probably never hear details of that.

Then there's Julissa, or Julie. She's approximately in my age range and she's definitely a beauty. She had mid-length thick golden hair that surprisingly looked to be recently cut. Sharply cut, as if cut with a shard of broken glass. Either way, her hair beautifully framed her face and was such an eye-catching gold shade. Her smile was super bright and radiant that made her face glow. She had dreamy blue-green eyes that you could see from a far. They seemed to twinkle. And as far as I know, Julie is super genuine and friendly. Super open. I liked her, and she was one thing I definitely knew would be on my mind.

Lastly, there was Nyla. One important piece of info was that she was 17. Basically Carl and Skylar's age, which was great. I studied her while interpreting the group. She seemed to really appear mature and camouflage along with the rest of the group. You wouldn't know she was 17 until somebody told you, which was the case with me.

Her face was fairly young and healthy looking, while her caramel dipped skin glowed in the sun's beam. Her hair was long with defined chestnut bouncy curls and I realized she dressed very much like Skylar did; basic tees, cargos and the typical combat boot.

Something about Nyla lit up the whole up group and made it seem more than it was. But also, in a way as if it seemed she didn't belong in it. I felt as if she wanted to join Alexandria, I'd be more than happy to welcome


So after Julie toured us around the minimal area of their campsite, Michonne, Glenn and I soaked on all the info we collected about the group and decided to talk to each of the group members separately.

"Well, why do you wanna speak to us individually?" Zack questioned.

"Just to ask a few questions. They're not questions you'd ask as a group." I responded.

"Well what if we're not comfortable with those questions, Rick?" Marian asked in concern, placing her right hand on her hip.

They weren't seeming to budge with the questions, and I haven't even asked a single one yet. But I always make a compromise.

"You know what, you guys are right," I gently smiled, throwing my palms up. "I shouldn't 'bother' you with questions on first sight. But after you settle in Alexandria, that's when I'll ask."

The group nodded in approval.

"Well, you wanna start heading back?" Michonne quietly asked me.

"Wait!" a voice yelled from the back of the campsite. "Us two," Nyla pointed to Paul and herself, "We'd like to come now, if that's okay. We're all packed up."

Michonne glanced at me for reassurance. "Um, yeah, sure c'mon."

They walked towards the exit bush, looking back once more at their group of people. Nyla smiled, changed direction and headed out the bush, with Paul following.

"Make sure you're all ready by tomorrow. Same time," I notified the remaining people. "Coming Zack?"

"Uh, nah, I'll make sure they're all prepared for tomorrow," he responded. "Be safe."

"You too." Glenn said back, and we left through the bush.



but just in case you're a little lost with the plot , just reread the last chapter or two . TO

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