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I woke up with the sound of a voice singing to me peacefully. An angelic one and I couldn't seem to open my eyes because of the relaxing sound. I continued to listen to the wonderful voice I am hearing. Wait... Whose voice is it from? Wait.. Is it Ed Sheeran?

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck, I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet

Wait, was that Ed Sheeran?

This just proved that he's truly the 'Ginger Jesus'. He sings to you when you're sleeping! Well half asleep, in my case.

"Lucy your phone's ringing!!"

I shut my eyes forcefully still trying to go back to sleep. Suddenly, the warm, comfortable blanket, covering me from the coldness of the room is being removed from me, the cold strikes throughout my body. My eyes shot open to see my mom holding my blanket grinning widely.

"Nice to see you awake" my mom sheepishly smiled at me making me roll on my back, my face on a surface mumbling colorful words on my pillow. 

"Oh and honey?" my mom called out, as I close my eyes again and looked up at my mom  who's now at the door.

"Catch!" she threw my blanket up in the air, landing it on my face. 

"Gee thanks." I mumbled as she closed the door. 

This feels like falling in love falling in love, We're falling in love

Oh. So it is my ringtone and let me say, I am disappointed. Wait, so my phone kept ringing this entire damn time? Sighing, I pick my phone up, my best friend's name appeared on the caller ID.

I bring the phone to my ears immediately regretting it.

"OH MY GOD! I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU FOR HOURS!" my best friend screamed actually sounding like a screech making me cringe, holding up my phone away from ears.

"Wow. Mom much?" I say rolling my eyes.

"Wow. Answer much?" Kathy retorted. Yep. That’s my best friend. Kathy.

"Oh pleasee!" I drag the word "You're probably exaggerating. I bet 50 bucks that you didn't try calling me for hours."  I say with confidence on my voice, now sitting up straight -still on my bed.

I hear her mumbling something on the other line and tried to argue but cut herself. "Well. That’s true." she says and I instantly smiled.

"HA. See? 50 bucks. Now pay up" I say, grinning earning a huff on the other line.

"Psshh. You and I both know you wouldn't need 50 bucks" and then again, making her huff. True. Wealthy parents has its benefits right?

"So. Why'd you called?" I ask running a hand through my brown hair.

"Oh nothing. I was just bored." She says making me roll my eyes. She's oblivious that she woke me up. Next time I see her, I'm gonna kill her.

"Wow. Great reason." She's so annoyingly stupid sometimes. No. Scratch that. Most of the time.

"Oh well, look who's sarcastic" Kathy pipes and I just rolled my eyes -though she couldn't see me.

"Hun, food's here!" my mom screamed from downstairs her voice echoing in the massive house and I immediately got up.

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