The Jerk and the Blue roses

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                                                                                THE JERK AND BLUE ROSES

The canteen is a bit crowded today. People were rummaging around, food flying across the room. A few people greeted me as I waved back, already recognizing these people.

“Ow!”  I looked up to the person who bumped into me.

“Well, look who it is” he says through gritted teeth.

I stared to see the same green eyes I’ve taken interest into.  Harry.

This time it didn’t showed worry or concern –but hard and showed nothing but disgust.

“Watch where you walk Ms. Prom Queen.” He hissed with a mixture of mock and pissed tone.  My mouth involuntarily made an o-shape.

“What?” I gape in disbelief. This can’t be the same guy I met a day ago.

“You heard me” This really can’t be the same guy. I ignore his attitude and smiled at him.

“Well it’s nice to see you again. I must admit, I really did look forward on seeing you again.” I gave him my famous warm smile; in return he huffed.

“Well we have a problem here Prom Queen, because I didn’t look forward on seeing you, I’d rather vomit blood.” He spat. What. A. Dick.

“I believe we had fun” I say furrowing my eyebrows. We did. Didn’t we?

“Who said I had fun?” he glared and darted his eyes from my face, to my chest.

This time, I glared at him “Hey eyes here.” Shocked in disbelief, he gaped at me surprised by my warning. He then recomposed himself and pull his head back in laughter.

“Trust me love, I wasn’t checking you out. Don’t flatter yourself.” I can feel myself blushing as I look away. The way he says “love” as he referred me of, infuriates me and sends goosebumps at my skin at the same time.

“Nice shirt by the way” he smirked and started walking pass me. Looking down, the top of my shirt is covered with soup. Great. And he didn’t even apologized.

I gripped my tray of food tightly, completely bewildered –and pissed- to the incident that happened earlier. What is wrong with him? He must’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed. What the fuck is wrong with him? I mean the last time we met -or the first time we met- he was the hot guy - yep. I’m admitting that right now- with cute dimples and humor revolving around him. What bit him in the arse to be so rude?

Well at least I knew his name. It fitted him. I don’t know why, but it did. Maybe it’s because of his loose curls pushed back; or maybe because of his wonderful smile and adoring dimples peaking through. Wow. I wonder if someone read my mind right now, they’d think I’m a creep or something. In which, I definitely look like. One minute, I’m pissed at him, now I’m picturing his features. Compose yourself Lucy!

Wait did I just did that? Did I just disciplined myself? Hell yeah to that!

I walk up to the table where we –my friends- always occupy. It’s actually the center table. Like literally. No one takes the seat away from us; the popular kids. We took the place since 8th grade and since then, no one did dared to sit there; not even the queen bee, Allison Haywards.

She never did tried to sit there surprisingly. She had this thing taking something out of people. In fact, we don’t actually know where she goes. No one does –even her blonde classy clique.

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