What Prom?(part 1 "preparations and secrets")

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                                              ~~~~~~~~ MONDAY AT SCHOOL~~~~~~~~

     "Hey (y/n)," Liz said. "Yeah" I replied. "How is the talking so far," Liz asked. "It's going really well," I said with confidants. Liz shoved a piece of paper in my face, it said "prom." She gave me a big grin and I just shook my head like my life depended on it. "we're going shopping with Tsubaki and Maka and you are coming with us," she said with confidants like I had no choice and I really didn't have any. Shute, what did you get me into?! I and the girls went shopping stuff for prom and the boys went to do, then heck I don't know! I think they went to do a guys night out to a movie or something. 

     Well, we went to two malls and 36 stores, just for makeup and dresses. Maka got a red dress and nude lipstick. Tsubaki got a dark blue ombre into a light blue dress that went down to her knees like Makas. She also had a pink lip gloss with some navy blue eyeshadow. Patty got a pink dress that went down to her knees and had a gold eyeshadow with clear lip gloss. Liz had the same thing as Patty ( they both fought about what to wear). They didn't want Kid to be crazy because of no symmetrical clothes. I got a black dress that went down to my knees and I got a black lipstick, it's not like anyone would look at my face anyway. After like five hours to be exact. (I guess everybody even me had a hard time picking stuff out.) We all went back to the mansion waiting for Soul and Black Star to pick up Maka and Tsubaki. Cause I guess the irresponsible Black Star and Soul stole their keys for some prank to get them both pissed off. 

     We watched tv and had snacks until 12:00 pm. then the boys just decided to show up. Then we all said our goodbyes for the night and then everybody left. Then I went straight to bed like Liz, Patty, and Kid. But for some odd reason Kid was acting all suspicious and look like he had something to hide.

                                  ~~~~~ Kids POV ~~~( his time with the guys)

     I, Black Star, and Soul and were on our way to a movie and all the way to the movie I was thinking about (y/n)'s mom. I was wondering more about her mom. She didn't tell me a lot about her. She just said she wasn't a great person. But then I left my mind, cause Black Star said in his loud voice " instead of going to a movie and dinner, let's go to the cemetery. I and Soul looked an each other and back at Black Star. Then I and Soul said at the same time " why?" he just replies with " you'll figure it out when we figure it out when we get there." On the way there I said, " what about the reservation I got at the restaurant we were going too." Black Star said, " I canceled it." " what the heck, Black Star," I replied with a lot of anger. " what about the movie tickets to Suicide Squad I got us," Soul said. "oh yeah I gave those tickets away to some kids," Black Star said with confidants. "God Black Star I bought those with Maka's money I stole," Soul said with an irritated tone. 

     When we got to the cemetery, Back Star took us into a little building surrounded by the graves. In the building, there were tombs of famous people from death city. Then Black Star pushed one of the tombs open that said "the first mister." In the tomb was a skeleton with an old looking book. It said on the cover " Witch helpers." Black Star tugged out the book out of the hands of the skeleton, it was quite funny how he was struggling to get the book out. Once he got it out Back Star said: " Guy's this could really help us get witches and save humanity." Soul said, " how did you know about this." Black said normally " Rumors." Then Black Star looked at me and said: "Kid keep it with you and go through it ok, and we know you will actually do research on it." I just nodded my head. Then soul asked, " what about the others." Black Star replied, " this is only between us for now, ok?" I and Soul nodded our heads. then we walked back to my mansion. I put the book in a bag. When I got home I ran upstairs suspiciously, I wish I had been a little more chill. Then once I got to my room I hid the book and went straight to bed. What a confusing night. 

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