Part 2

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I guess I'll just not say much this time. Thanks for the reads on my last part. :3


I slammed the door behind me as I walked into my house. I huffed and plopped onto the couch. They wound up taking my iPod from me after they got everyone out of the school safely. It took everyone about five hours to calm down enough for the administrators to let us out of the cafeteria. They almost called the police on us. Some kid talked them into letting us out, though. He kind of led us out of our frustration and horror and into our seats. As soon as we were all sitting down and swore not to get back up again, they let us out. Then they let us go home.

Just because I was home didn't mean I wasn't still extremely ticked off. MAB Co. took mine and Oliver's iPods. I wasn't going to let them take my freedom from me. Music was the only thing that held me together in the world, and for them to take that away, it was like enslaving me. I wasn't one to enjoy being enslaved.

My mom walked in from the other room. "What's wrong, Whitley?" she asked.

"They took away our iPods at school today!" I yelled. She looked at me knowingly, which I didn't understand.

"Oh, yeah. They were talking about it on the news today. They said all electronic devices that play music had to be confiscated immediately. They said that your school was being crazy and mobbing in the cafeteria. I got worried, so I tried to call the school, but they said they couldn't let anyone go in or out of the cafeteria," she stated.

"They put it on the news?" I asked blankly. I turned on the television. It went straight to the news. I tried to change the channel, but it was all the same thing. It was a guy talking about taking away musical devices on behalf of MAB Co. I glanced over at my mom. She was staring intently on the screen.

"Attention viewers. If you are just now tuning in, there is a government warning on all music playing devices such as MP3 players, iPods, iPhones, computers, etc. If you are in possession of any of these items, please call MAB Co.'s number at the bottom of the screen, or turn it in to your local police station. Attention, this is very important. MAB Co., or Music And Brain Corporation, has issued a recall on all electronic music playing devices. MAB Co. states that these devices are harmful to the nerves and brain cells. If you have any of these devices, turn them in, or call MAB Co.'s number at the bottom of the screen."

That same guy said the exact same things over and over and over again. It was on repeat. It was on every channel. "Do you think it's on the radio, too?" I asked my mom. She looked at me with a concerned expression.

"I don't know. We'd better check."

We both turned to the stereo and turned on the radio. It was the same guy saying the same thing as he did on the television. It was so strange. I'd never seen anything like this before.

"I'm going to call Oliver." I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. The strangest thing happened. The only thing I heard was the same guy saying the same thing he said on television and on the radio.

"What's happening?" I muttered.

"What do you mean?" she asked. She seemed worried.

"I tried to call Oli, but the guy on the TV's message was playing over and over again. I'm going to his house. This is too much."

"Be home before dinner, okay?" I nodded and walked out.

Oliver didn't live far from me. We'd go to eachother's houses all the time. Especially when we were little. We'd spend our days together, playing at my house or at his. Oh, the simple times.

The Day The Music DiedWhere stories live. Discover now