Part 1

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Harry stumbled down the stairs towards the classroom filled with excitement; he was about to have Defence against the Dark Arts with Professor Lupin, who was, of course, everyone's favourite DADA teacher. He was closely followed by Ron and Hermione who, whilst sharing Harry's excitement, were much less clumsy than he was.
They entered the room and took their seats towards the front of the class. A few moments later, they heard shouting in the hallway outside the room, and the all of the students, consisting mainly of Gryffindors, turned to see the cause of the disturbance. Draco Malfoy was standing outside the door, accompanied by his two bodyguards and the undeniable Malfoy Smirk. He seemed to be shouting at some poor, unidentifiable pupil, and the lesson now turned into trying to find out the reason for this argument.
Harry soon recognised the other voice as that of Pansy Parkinson, and grinned before telling Ron and Hermione, who shared his humour. Dean overheard Harry, who wasn't exactly trying to be quiet, and the person behind the second voice was announced to everyone.
Enjoying the argument, whilst still wondering where their teacher was; Harry tried to make sense of the violent words being flung at Parkinson. After removing a lot of rather nasty choice words he was sure he'd got the gist of the "conversation".

'Pansy, as useful as you can be sometimes. Stop following me around with that simpering smile before I hex you'
Followed by Pansy arguing how much she "loves" Draco, and him positively screaming in response. Although Harry couldn't for the life of him work out what he said. Looking around, the rest of the Gryffindors seemed just as confused. The Slytherins, on the other hand, were simply rolling their eyes as though this was a regular occurrence.
Soon, Professor Lupin arrived, mumbled a hasty apology for his lateness and took his seat at the front of the room. When Malfoy and his friends realised the teacher had arrived, they ended their fracas and sauntered into the classroom with what, Harry was sure, Draco regarded as an "air of sophistication".
They took their places behind Harry, Ron and Hermione, although the Gryffindors were pleased to notice that Pansy had sat on the other side of the room.

'Ew, what is that smell?' Spat Malfoy's taunting voice, the complaints beginning only 10 minutes of the lesson.
Hermione groaned, expecting the usual joke about her familial status. The joke never came.
'No I'm serious this time, Potter, is it your cologne? What in Merlins name is that?'
Ron turned around and furiously whispered some words that should not be repeated. To which Malfoy responded with his usual 'You use that language around your mother?'
Ron was going to reply, but Harry stopped him. Telling him not to waste his breath.

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