Part 6

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'Potter what I look pretty!'
Harry smiled at Draco, and Draco collapsed on the floor beside him.
'I assume this means you heard everything?'
Harry nodded, and Draco frowned.
'Do you hate me then?'

'I used to hate you Malfoy, but recently...well, I definitely don't hate you anymore'



'Call me Draco, Harry.'

Harry nearly passed out, and kept pinching himself to check if he was awake, to the laughter of Mal-Draco.

'Wait, so you used Amortentia today, and I didn't notice?!' Draco said, laughing.
Harry nodded again, feeling happier than he'd felt in a long time.

'..and you think Ihave pretty hair?'
Harry nodded again, before adding, 'I think you are beautiful Draco, and I would please like to mention my stupidly pretty eyes'

Draco went red, 'You have very pretty eyes but alas apparently I have perfectly glittery eyes, so it looks like I win'

'Your eyes are like stars, of course you win.' Harry said, blushing, and smiling at the rosy cheeked boy sitting beside him. 'God this is a weird night.'

Draco laughed and nodded. 'I suppose we'll be back to hating each other in the morning?'

'We'd best make the most of this then'

They froze. Not because of Harry, but because of the footsteps getting nearer to the door. Harry grabbed the cloak and threw it over the two of them, before putting his hand over Dracos mouth to stop him from laughing. They were pressed very close together, and were both very red faced.
Filch threw open the door accompanied, as usual, by Mrs Norris. They looked around angrily.
'I definitely heard voices, my dear, where could they have hidden?' Muttered Filch.
Draco and Harry stayed pressed against each other in silence. Though Harry had removed his hand after Draco had bitten him. They turned to face eachother, and smiled. Harry could feel his heart beating faster, and was sure Draco had noticed it too.
When Filch shut the door, they stayed hidden, sure he was waiting outside to catch them. Harry could feel Draco's heartbeat, and it was faster than usual too. He laughed to himself.
'Why are you laughing?' Draco whispered.

'Your heart. It's beating so fast.' Harry giggled back.

'Shut up, yours is twice as fast as mine'

Harry could feel the wind touching his elbow and tugging on the cloak, so he shuffled closer to Draco. Harry was almost on his lap now, and started laughing again. He turned his head, and once again his green eyes, met silver, although this time there was no hostility from either end.
Their noses were almost touching, and Draco moved closer to Harry, shortening the gap between their lips to less than a centimetre.
Harry gasped, but pressed his lips to Dracos. Neither pulled away, and their mouths were working seamlessly together.
When they did need to breath, Harry pulled back and whispered,
'There goes our plans for hating eachother tomorrow'

To which Draco laughed and replied 'along with our heterosexuality'

Before wrapping his arms around Harry, and joining their lips again.

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