Chapter 22

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Brad's POV
I pick up my fork once Liv's arrived again and taken her seat and I see her all smiley. Well personally I don't think bathroom trips are all that fun but alright. Now this is the part I really hate about dates. I haven't been on many but I've taken a good amount of girls to know that this is the worst part. What to say? What to do? I asked her her questions she answered and now there's nothing left! I guess this is how you measure if you fit with someone. If you always have something to say to them you love them, if there's an awkward moment and it's awkward, you've got some time ahead of you. I mean obviously I don't love her, I've never told a girl I love her. I think Liv is really special, but I'm not sure yet. I wouldn't ask her to be my girlfriend anytime soon, I just want to see where it goes.

"So did you here anything back from the band about you visiting?"

"Oh um yea I did! We've arranged that I stay for two weeks to do the shows and we've booked a hotel in London."

"I still can't believe you're in a band and you're famous and all that." She says smiling. "I know you love and miss England and all but isn't it a bit hard to live their with your fame? I feel like California would be like the perfect breath of fresh air where you kind of get to experience your freedom again."

Damn. How can she know all this? She's never moved to an entirely different continent, and she isn't famous. Yet she can still put my exact feelings into words.

"That's actually spot on, I don't really speak to people about it because I get scolded for complaining about how difficult it really is to live in England. They all tell me that I chose to be where I am with the band and its no one else's fault. But that doesn't mean I completely hate it I love being able to revolve my life around music. It came with a price though."

" But at the end of the day it's all worth it right?"

"For sure."

As soon as we've finished talking, the waiter comes with the check book. Liv immediately grabs it but I'm faster.

"You think you're paying? " I say smirking "that's cute." I pull my Visa out of my pocket and open the check to place it inside.

"Wait , Brad "

By now I've opened it and all I see is a receipt and someone else's credit card inside. I look up to see her looking down and fiddling with her dress.

"Is this your card?"

Olivia's POV

"Well.... Yea."

"You payed?"

"Yes." I try to act cool like if it's no big deal but he just stares at me shocked like its the weirdest thing.

"Look Brad, I don't want you spending all this money on me when we're honestly just getting to know each other. Maybe in the future if things work out or whatever and we're dating for real you can pay but this is just a get to know each other as friends date so..."

He sighs and hands me the receipt and my card.
"Thank you for dinner then." He smiles.

Brad's POV

I guess she's kind of right about that it's alright if she payed since its not a real date. I hadn't thought of it that way. I used to only go on dates with girls if we were going out but I guess in America it's normal to go on dates but not actually be dating.... If that makes sense. I like her a lot... But she's right this is kind of just getting to know each other since I knew nothing about her before. We grab our things and head out the restaurant and back into the car. I drive her home with the radio in and her singing along. Her voice isn't to bad either. When we arrive at her house I walk her to the door.

"That was actually really fun." She says smiling now.

" yea it was wasn't it? "

"So... I'll see you at the party tomorrow? "

"You're going?" I hadn't planned to go originally but now I know she's going so...

"Yea haha I know it's a bit of a surprise from uptight Liv but Skye is making me go."

" yea... I guess I'll see you there."

"Alright, bye Brad"

"Bye Liv"

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