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"So you just expect me to sit at home and say NOTHING while you go around doing God knows what behind my back? No, get OUT."

"I'm not...what?! I just came straight from work!"

"Now? You just NOW got home from work? Save it, just get out."

"I'm not getting out! This is MY place, I'm not going anywhere. I'm so sick of you making shit up just to annoy me, just shut up and go to bed."

"Don't you DARE talk to me like that! Who do you think you are?! Get out of here and don't come back until you have yourself together or I'm calling the poli-"

"Oh my Goddddd." Mitch gave up and stopped pressing his palms to his ears once he realized it wasn't helping. "This is worse than having to listen to them fuck."

Scott just groaned. It was 4am and he only had three hours before he had to be at work. He didn't want to listen to the couple nextdoor scream at each other again over the stupid man's drinking problem or infidelity issues or whatever it was this time. He was tired and annoyed at the rude wake up and nearly ready to go sleep outside in the car if that's what it would take to get their voices out of his ears.

Mitch, on the other hand, had only gotten home an hour ago and still had some life in him, at least enough to know that it didn't make sense to try to sleep right across the wall from the loud argument. He'd barely even crawled into bed when he'd heard the neighbors door squeak open and the familiar feminine voice had been shrieking at her partner unbearably loudly ever since.

"Scott? Couch?"

Scott nodded, exasperated. Mitch rolled out of bed, dragging his pillow and a blanket into the living room with him. He didn't bother waiting for Scott to stumble out of the bedroom before he tried to get comfortable. He squeezed up against the back of the sofa to make room for Scott when he finally did join him a few minutes later, but the tired blond seemed too disgruntled and fidgety to go back to sleep.

It was a miracle that their couch was even big enough to fit two boys who were as tall as they were, but it was by no means comfortable. Mitch knew Scott desperately needed sleep and wondered for a moment whether he should sleep on the floor to give him more space, but it didn't feel right to sleep away from him when he had the choice not to. Scott tried laying on his back and Mitch made room for him, rolling halfway on top of him and throwing his leg over Scott's waist to make everything fit. He let Scott wrap an arm around him, feeling comfortable squeezed between him and the couch and wishing Scott could relax too.

They thought that they'd escaped the noise but Mitch jumped a little when he heard a loud male voice boom all the way into their living room, followed by loud crying from the lady. He pressed his cheek back against Scott's chest and pulled the blanket over his head, wishing it would all stop. He could practically feel frustration radiating off of Scott's body and wished they had a better option than to squeeze onto the living room couch when their neighbors got so loud.

"I hate him so much. They're so mean to each other."

Mitch nodded against Scott's chest. He hadn't expected Scott to say anything, and he definitely hadn't expected it to be about how mean they were. Maybe something closer to 'they're so loud' or 'they're so annoying', but he quickly realized those things weren't what was bothering Scott. Mitch felt guilty for acting as if the neighbors were such a burden earlier while Scott was clearly actually concerned about their wellbeing.

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