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Mitch swung their joined hands between them while he waited. He began to wonder if Scott was right about them bothering Ms. Ahmed, it was already 7pm and she was a very busy woman. He hasn't considered in his desperation that two grown men showing up at her door for help getting rid of a rat didn't actually seem like the ideal way to spend a Saturday night. He could've at least thought of a way to pay her back, maybe bring snacks for Zain or something, but instead he'd just shown up empty handed and jittery. He felt some weight fall from his shoulders when the door opened and they were greeted by a thin, pretty woman with a dark red shawl loosely thrown over her head and shoulders. The chubby baby girl propped on her hip looked up at them with wide eyes, her fingers tightened in her mothers shirt.

"Hi, Mitch. You came back for us, huh?"

"I sure did. Sorry to bother you, auntie."

"You're never a bother, honey. What's going on?" She smiled up at him before looking over to Scott. "Oh my gosh, and look at you! I haven't seen you in a while, mister! What have you been up to?"

"Not much, Ms. Ahmed. Just the usual."

"Ms. Ahmed? What did I do to deserve that? You think you can get all formal with me just because you haven't visited in a while?"

Scott could tell she was just teasing by the smile on her face, but he mumbled out a "sorry, auntie" just in case. He'd never get used to calling her that but knew she preferred it and mentally slapped himself for trying to be proper anyway. It was customary where she was from to call your elders 'uncle' and 'auntie' regardless of the actual relationship and Mitch had adapted quickly, but Scott still felt funny about it. They were only twelve years apart but the title made her sound so much older that Scott almost found it rude, but it was sweet of her to consider them close enough to call her that. Scott saw the door push open a little wider and looked down to find a small, happy face grinning up at them.

"Mitchy!" The boy stepped out and latched onto Mitch's leg, looking up at him excitedly. "Yay! Mama, Mitchy's here!"

"I know, baby, and just in time for dinner. Don't you want him and Scott to stay?" She looked at the two hopefully, knowing they wouldn't dare disappoint Zain by leaving.

"Yeah! Yeah, mama, I want Mitch to stay! Please?"

"Ask them both nicely and maybe they will. Give Scott a hug too, baby, don't be rude." The small boy shyly wrapped his arms around Scott's legs and asked them politely to come in, practically bouncing with excitement when Mitch told him they would. With that cute of a welcome, how could they not? The boy took Mitch's hand and skipped into the living room with him, waiting for them to sit down on the couch before plopping down on the floor next to Mitch's legs. Mitch giggled when Zain hugged one of his calves as he turned his attention back to the tv in front of them. He slid down from the sofa onto the floor, wrapping an arm around the small boy's shoulders instead.

"What are we watching, Zainey?"

"I dunno, it's a connercial right now. Why are you here?" He leaned his head back to look at him, still clearly very happy about the surprise visit. Scott smiled at the sight of the two boys cuddling up in front of the tv, wondering if he should join them on the floor.

"Well, there was a mousey in our apartment. We thought maybe your mama could hel-"

"Eww! That's so scary! We jus played in there!"

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