True Power

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(Don't play the song till i tell you. Thanks!)

(Y/N) PoV

I fluttered my eyes open as i woke up. I took a deep breath and looked around the room to see it was 6:00 Am. I felt a pair of strong arm wrap around my torso. I smiled when I realized who it was.

"Good morning" Jack whispered in my ear, his warm breath tickling me. "Morning" I said as I turned my body towards him. I gave him a quick peck the on his lips then looked into his beautiful mismatch eyes.

"Did you sleep well?" Jack asked me. "Of coarse" I said with a smile. We both stayed there for a while, cuddling each other.

"Well, we need to get ready and get going" I said. "But first I need cloths" I said, looking at Jack. "Well yeah, but do you really need them or-?" Jack said and I gave him a glare. "Okay then, cloths it is"Jack said as he went into his closet still bare naked. I blushed and turned my head quickly towards the other direction.

When he came back he was fully dressed and had an outfit in his hands. He handed it to me and I said "Thanks". I headed to the bathroom to change and the outfit fit me pretty good and looked really nice on me. I headed out and saw Jack playing with his hands.

"Hey, where did you get this outfit?" I asked, interested of what words would come out of his mouth. "Oh, um, a friend" He said rubbing the back if his neck. "What kind of friend?" I asked with an evil smile on my face and I crossed my arms. "Just a friend" Jack said and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, come on lets go wake up everyone" I said as I walked out of the room with Jack by my side.

(Time skip brought to you by the vault of the traveler having a dance off with Gortys)

Gortys PoV

I walked out of the rocket to an empty open land. "Okay, I'm ready for my upgrade" I said with a smile and i looked back at everyone. "Not yet Gortys, we're still waiting for one more person" Fiona said, kneeling down to my height.

I looked around the empty land but nothing was there cause it was empty so I went over to (Y/N). "You okay?" I asked and she looked down at me. "Yeah, I was just thinking" She said looking out over the dry land.

I heard foot steps on the rough dirt and turned around to see Athena. She looked angry, but I was happy to see her. "Oh, hey Athena!" I said and she glanced at me for a second.

She turned her attention to Jack and she walked towards him and a look of fear grew on his face. Fiona went up to her and grabbed her arm. Athena's looked at Fiona and her face softened.

She then looked back at Jack and said "if you do anything to piss me off during this mission I will not hesitate to kill you".

"Message received" He said, saluting her.

She nodded then looked at Fiona. "What do we do next?" Athena asked and everyone looked at me.

"Where's her upgrade?" Fiona asked. "Here" Rhys said and walked over to me. He gave the beacon to me and I was ready to transform. "Wait, are you forgetting someone?" a familiar voice asked.

We all turned to see... Vaughn? He looked different.

"Vaughn!" (Y/N) and Rhys yelled in sync. They both ran to him and hugged him. "I thought you were dead or something" Rhys said. "Me? Nah" Vaughn said as they let go.

"Handsome Jack?!" Vaughn yelled as Jack came into his view. "Yep, the one and only" Jack said with a smile. "But how?" Vaughn asked. "Please... don't ask" (Y/N) said with a small smile. "O-okay let's do this!" Rhys said and I was ready.

I held the Beacon and I could feel myself transform. When I looked around I felt like I was in a really big building. I looked down and saw everyone. "Wow you guys are really small" I said with a smile. Then a Vault showed up and a big thing came out.

"Oh no".

(Y/N) PoV        

(Start playing song) "Oh no" Gortys said with worry. "Okay guys, get your shit together and lets do this" Jack yelled as him and Athena got in a car and drove. "Hey, Mr. abs. Call Helios and tell them to get the moon beam ready" Jack yelled at Vaughn through the echo device. "Got it" Vaughn responded.

I saw Rhys talking to Gortys and trying to persuade her to fight. Now, time for my job. I felt my powers surge through my body. I got out my motor cycle and drove towards the Vault monster. I got close enough and fired a big ball of energy at it's leg. When it hit a chunk of him came off.

"Yes!" I yelled. "Who just did that?" Athena asked through the echo. "I did" I said. "That's brilliant" She yelled.

As I was driving the Vault monster was about to step on me and I had to jump off my bike. I jumped off and rolled on the ground. I looked back to see my bike get crushed.

"NO!" I yelled. I felt anger and I could feel all my power rush to my head. I looked to my back to see I had (F/C), transparent wings.

Fuck yeah!

"Things just got more awesome!" I yelled.

Gortys then came charging towards the vault monster and punch it in the face and it went tumbling backwards. I used my wings to fly above it and I used a ball of energy and fired at it's chest. It yelled out in pain as a part of his chest fell off. "Hell yeah!" I yelled and flew back to the ground.

It got backup and Gortys tried to punch him but he teleported behind her and made her fall to the ground. I got more mad and fired another shot at his chest. He fell on his back and Gortys got back up and dealed another move.

I looked around me and realized that I was the only one out here except one car with Jack and Loader bot. "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"We're in Gortys!" Rhys yelled.

"What?!" I asked.

"Yep" Fiona said.

I looked back at the monster and it got back up, again! "Man, this thing has no idea when to quit" I said.

I felt a warm feeling and I felt even more power then before.

"Uh, (Y/N). What happened to your eye's?" Sasha asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Their glowing (F/C)" Sasha yelled.

I smiled at her comment and looked back at the monster.

"Gortys hold the monster in one place" I yelled. "Got it" She responded and headed towards the monster. She grabbed him by the arm and he tried to teleport away but something glitched and he didn't.

"(Y/N) NOW!" Rhys yelled. I created a massive ball of energy and shot it at him. "Game over" I said to myself. When it hit it exposed his teleportation gland and it was no longer there.

"Vaughn, now!" I yelled. Then the beam shot down and hit him in the back he stumbled forward. Gortys then pulled out a sword and charged for him. She sliced her sword through his torso. He stood there motionless and started to fall apart and crumble into rock.

We won...

Everyone got out of Gortys and celebrated for a sec. "Guys, come. Quickly" LB said through the echo. I went looked across the wasteland to see the car that Jack and LB in flipped over. Fear quickly took over instead of happiness.

We all ran over to the car to see LB trying to flip the car over. I ran over to him and helped with Rhys and Fiona. "No. No, no, no" I whispered as we tried to push it over. We finally push it over to see a motionless body under it...


(A/N) Well, this chapter was happy but the ending sure is sad. I can't wait to write the next chapter but the next chapter is the last one. Thanks guys for reading this one and see you in the next one! Bye! 

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