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Please note that this story is written by both @zoeyswiftie13 and WolfRune20855

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Ten minutes.

Lizzie stared at the clock on the wall, watching the seconds slowly tick. Ten minutes and then she would be free for the weekend. Lizzie's attention returned to her sketchbook and the designs that were in it.

Nine minutes.

They were her newest designs for FairyG's business line. Barely more than an unpaid intern, Lizzie was living the dream as a designer, working for one of the most recognized names in the industry. She had everything that an aspiring designer could dream of: her own office, her own computer, her own sketchbook. Lizzie was living the dream.

Eight minutes.

Lizzie studied her designs. They all looked the same. They were all dark, with sleek necklines, and similar cuts. The skirts were all pencil skirts, without even a fit and flare dress in sight. Still, that didn't mean that they were bad.

Seven minutes.

Who was she kidding? They were horrible. Terrible. Absolutely and completely unLizzie-like. Where was the color? Where were the strange fashion choices? There were no hats, or gloves, or bows that were too large, or skirts that hung strangely. There was no Lizzie in this line at all.

Six minutes.

Lizzie tore the designs out of her notebook and threw them across the room. No one would buy something so plain and boring. Her friends from school wouldn't have been caught dead in those dresses.

Five minutes.

With a groan, Lizzie's head hit the desk. What was this? What was she doing? Where had the magic gone? Where was the craziness that made Lizzie's designs Lizzie's? Where were the small details that made Lizzie's dresses absolutely wonderlandiful?

Four minutes.

It was like all of Lizzie's talent-all of her skill and inspiration-had dried up along with the Well of Wonder. That couldn't be true. If it were true then that would mean that all of Lizzie had been lost along with Wonderland. Lizzie refused to believe that.


Lizzie's head snapped up at the sound of her boss and mentor's voice. In the most dignified manner that she could, Lizzie peeled the paper that was stuck to her face off. Fairy G, a middle aged fairy with a ghoti, laughed.

"You look tired," he said.

"I'm fine," Lizzie said, "I just need some coffee."

"I'll have my assistant bring you a cup," G said, "Anyways, I'm here for the business designs."

"Right," Lizzie nodded. The business designs that she had ripped out of her design book were due today. Well, wasn't that just wonderful?

"So, where are they?" G asked.

Lizzie pointed to the wastebasket behind him. "There," she said.

G bent over and pulled the designs out of the trash. "What are these in the trash for?"

"They look like what everyone else is designing," Lizzie explained, "They're missing...I don't know...they're missing something."

"They're missing the Lizzie aspect?"

"Yes! It's like I've lost my Lizzie-ness."

Her mentor shook his head, and leaned against her desk. "You just need a break, Lizzie," he said, "Some time to find your inspiration again. Think. Where did you used to get your inspiration from?"

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