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"The White children." Lizzie stared at Attacus. Over the past few weeks they had been spending more and more time together. Attacus had evened joined her at her table with Alyson and James, who had become a near permanent fixture by Alyson's side. The handsome boy was currently sitting across from her, leaning against the table.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"The White children were kidnapped nearly a month ago by Courtly Jester. We think that we've figured out a way to break them out."

"'We' meaning you and Jack?"

"Yes," Attacus said, "I'll tell you the rest in Jack's office. Can you gather the group?"

"Consider it done."

"Good." Attacus smiled, and Lizzie couldn't help but grin back. She must have looked like an idiot. Attacus left, leaving Lizzie to gather the rest of the group. Alyson and James were probably in the training room, and Dottie probably already knew. She had a penchant for overhearing things.

Lizzie tossed her breakfast in the trash, and headed out of the mess hall. On the way out, she passed Silver Blanc sitting with April Hare and Tilly Dee. It was strange to see Tilly without Tia. April leaned over and whispered something to Silver as Lizzie walked by. Lizzie ignored them.

"Hey! Hearts!" Lizzie turned around to find Silver running to catch up with her. "Hey." Silver rubbed his neck as he came to a stop beside her.

"Hello," Lizzie said. She continued walking. Silver fell in step beside her.

"You're Alyson's friend, right?" Silver asked after a moment.

"Yes," Lizzie said.

"Right." Silver nodded. "Can you tell me why she's been avoiding me recently? I mean, she's always sitting with you and Knave in the morning."

"Why don't you ask her?" Lizzie suggested. If Silver wanted to know about Alyson, he'd have to ask her himself. Lizzie was not about to get stuck in the middle of another Wonderland-Blanc relationship fest. The first one had been bad enough.

"I've tried," Silver said, "but she always has Knave around. What's going on with the two of them anyways?"

"They're friends," Lizzie answered, and hoped that it was true. It was not easy to tell with Alyson and James. One day they were thick as thieves and the next they were at each other's throats. To Lizzie it was just how they worked.

"Are you sure? Because it doesn't seem that way to me."

"Yes, I'm sure," Lizzie snapped, "And if they weren't why does it matter to you?"

"I'm just looking out for Alyson," Silver's voice rose, "James isn't to be trusted."

"And why's that?" Lizzie didn't know why, but she was suddenly defensive of James. Jack Cards trusted him. Attacus trusted him. That was good enough for Lizzie.

"His best friend is Jeb Wocky," Silver said, "Everyone knows that he was one of the first to join Courtly. He's as much of a traitor as her."

Lizzie couldn't stand it. "What makes you think that you're any better?" Lizzie snapped. She turned on her heel and stormed off in a flurry.

She found herself at the door of the training room, red faced and huffing. Lizzie straightened up and schooled her features. You are the true princess of Wonderland, Lizzie told herself, you do not huff. With that, she opened the door.

Alyson and James were indeed in the training room, shouting various taunts as they circled each other. James had his sword, while Alyson was wielding duel knives-her choice weapon. Neither of them noticed Lizzie come in, so she took a moment to examine them. She could see what Silver was worried about. Alyson and James looked natural together. They moved like fire and ice, more similar than they were different. Both of them could be deadly on their own, yet they balanced each other.

Lizzie cleared her throat. Alyson and James turned to face her. "Jack Cards wants us in his office," Lizzie said.

Alyson and James shared a look. "Alright then," said James, "we don't want to keep him waiting."

♥ ♥ ♥

"The White children," Jack started once everyone was assembled in his office. He pulled a file out of his desk and placed it on top. He opened it to reveal the pictures of three children. "Ash White." He slid the picture of a boy around twelve towards the group. "He's the oldest with the power of restoration. This one is Ivory, the middle child with the ability to make plants grow. And this one is the youngest, Sterling. She's barely six years old."

Lizzie looked at the last image Jack pointed out. Sterling was small, with white hair like her siblings, and pudgy cheeks. But while her siblings had brown eyes, Sterling had white eyes. They seemed unnatural on such a rosy, cheerful child.

"What powers does Sterling possess?" Lizzie wondered.

"None," Jack answered. "Courtly Jester kidnapped them almost a month ago, but we haven't been able to devise a way to rescue them until recently."

"How do you know that they're still alive?" James asked. Lizzie sucked in a breath. Could the White children be dead? It was a horrible thing to even contemplate. Lizzie looked again at the images on Jack's desk. Even though the oldest was only three years younger than Ace, they seemed like innocents.

"They're leverage," Jack said, "Courtly can use them to control Chase Redford."

Lizzie froze. Chase Redford was in Wonderland? Not only that, he was working for Courtly Jester. And he knew who Lizzie was. He could easily blow her cover.

"So, how are we planning on rescuing them?" Alyson asked.

Jack nodded. "We have designed a plan." He stepped aside, and Attacus began to describe their plan of rescue.

♥ ♥ ♥

The wagon rocked back and forth, shaking the residents inside of it and making Lizzie's teeth clack together. She sat huddled in the back with the rest of the team. Jack's plan had been solid enough, but Lizzie wasn't sure that she liked it.

The White children were being kept at one of the former queen's summer homes. It was heavily guarded with moats and alligators and soldiers. Luckily for the resistance, they had someone who knew their way around the home- Alyson. And Lizzie, but none of them knew that the princess was among them.

Lizzie's knee bumped against Attacus' and she shot him an apologetic shrug. Attacus just smiled back, as if to say 'what can you do?'

"Attacus?" Dotty asked in a hushed whisper. They were close enough to the summer home, and they didn't want to be caught. "Are you going to-"

"We're already illusioned," Attacus said, "If anyone happens to stumble across us, they won't see anything."

Dottie nodded, and a tension settled over the occupants of the wagon. This was their first mission as a group, and it was a big one.

"Halt!" came a voice from outside, and James Knave disguised as a card soldier pulled the wagon to a stop. "What's in the back?"

"Nothing particularly interesting," James said. Lizzie heard the sound of boots approaching. She glanced at Alyson. The other girl looked as nervous as Lizzie felt.

The door swung open, and Lizzie came face to face with a card soldier. She held her breath. His eyes scanned the back, skipping over Lizzie entirely. "Everything looks to be in order," he said. He slammed the door shut, rattling everyone inside.

Lizzie yelped as something heavy fell off of the ceiling and landed on her. Something heavy and warm. Attacus slapped a hand over her mouth as she took in the figure now on top of her. The card soldier hadn't heard them, but they had a whole new set of problems to deal with.

"Sorry," apologized the figure in Lizzie's lap. Lizzie groaned as Ace Cards scooted over and sat next to Dottie.

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