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Lizzie stepped back through the door she'd come in from. Alyson was waiting for her on the other side. She leaned against the wall, muttering something inaudible that Lizzie could only assume had something to do with the James Knave rivalry.

"Alyson?" Lizzie said, attempting to get her attention.

Alyson looked up. For a moment, there was a distant look in her eyes, but it faded away. "I'm assuming it went well?"

Lizzie nodded. "He was more interested in if I knew the princess than what I can do for the resistance."

Alyson paled slightly. "What did you tell him?"

Recalling her most recent half-truth, Lizzie said "The last I heard of Lizzie Hearts, she was working for a fashion design company."

Alyson sighed in relief. "Alright, newbie. Let's go see where you'll be staying." She started down another dimly lit hallway. The floor was covered in boot scuffs and there were only a couple of doors. None had windows. She led her all the way to the end of the hall, where the last door was ajar. She didn't knock before pushing the door open further.

There were already five girls inside.

"Everyone, this is Hearts," Alyson gestured to Lizzie, then to the other girls, "Hearts, meet your new roommates."

Most of them were on the shorter side, but they varied in height. The smallest girl waved to Lizzie. She had a short haircut with bangs and a polka dot mouse ear headband. "This is Dorothy Mouse,the daughter of the dormouse. We just call her Dottie," Alyson said. Dottie was, fittingly, wearing polka dotted gloves that matched her headpiece and sipping tea from a similar patterned teacup.

"This is Tilly and Tia Dee, twin daughters of Tweedle Dee," she continued, indicating a pair of identical girls in identical outfits in front of her. Lizzie was going to ask how she would be able to tell them apart but Alyson was on to introducing the next person before she got a chance.

The next girl wore a headband with another set of ears, these being similar to the ones Bunny wore. The ears on her headband were much longer than Bunny's, they were a light brown, and the left one flopped over. "April Hare," Alyson said, "March Hare's daughter." April put out her hand for Lizzie to shake. She too wore gloves, Lizzie's choice accessory.

"And last, this is-" Alyson began, but she was cut off by the girl she was about to introduce.

"Ace Cards," the girl stated.

"Jack's sister," Alyson added.

Lizzie could see the resemblance. Ace had dark curly hair like her brother, and was possibly as intimidating as he was, with a similar face structure. She was the tallest of the group, even an inch or two taller than Alyson. "That's right, I'm Jack's sister. If you've made it this far, I assume you've already met him."

Lizzie nodded.

"Did he offend you in any way?" Ace asked.

Lizzie shook her head.

"Really? Did he mention the princess?"

Again, she nodded.

"That sounds more like him." Ace sat on the bunk that was behind her. "Hey, you can talk you know. We don't bite."

Lizzie laughed, and that's when she realized she was holding her breath. "I know. Sorry."

"That's a purely Wonderlandian voice if I ever did hear one," Ace commented. Lizzie was thankful for that comment, it felt like some kind of identity reinforcement, even if at the moment her identity was Hearts Hearts.

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