Chapter 11~ Graduation With A Kick Part 2

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Our principal began to congratulate each of us one by one. I made sure my medal was shown because my principal was one of those people who expects a lot from someone. I was that someone. I was the valedictorian of my class and my principal was proud. Well I hope my principal is. ''Savannah.'' I smiled and nodded. ''Congrats with the medal.'' Again I nodded and smiled. ''Thank you.''

''Many colleges will be after you.''

''I hope so.'' My principal gave me a smile before going towards another student. ''Listen up, when I call your last name, please line up. We do it alphabetical order, I'm pretty sure every school does, I honestly don't know nor care really. Maybe that was harsh, but whatever. ''Miss Bailey.'' I smiled and walked up to the line. ''Okay A-G of the last name may be seated in the first row, go now please.'' The lady said. We made our way into the football field and people began to cheer and whistle. I felt like I was famous or something. Cameras were flashing and Their was a band playing the pomp and circumstance a.k.a the graduation song. We all took our seats and looked at the crowd. I didn't waved, but I did smile when I saw my old friends, my family, and my friend family. They are all here even the Michaels came smiling when they saw me.

Then the ceremony began. They started with a speech then began to call our names one by one. I began to get very nervous. Thousands of eyes will be me and what if I fall or trip. Everyone would laugh at me. Calm your self, Savannah. No one will laugh. You won't even mess up. ''Savannah Bailey.'' I gave a huff before getting up, smiling and making my way up to the superintendent. He gave me a smile before announcing something. Oh I forgot to tell you after everyone is called up, I have to give a speak. It's nerve racking, but I think I could do it. ''Savannah Bailey is the valedictorian of her class. She has the best academic scores in our schools history.'' He announced, shaking my hand and giving me my diploma. I smiled and gladly took it. I then made my way up to take a picture. ''Okay smile..'' The photographer said. But right before I looked into the lens, someone caught my eye. It can't be. ''Hun, can you look into the lens.'' I nodded and took my picture before looking back into the crowd. It can't be him. Can it? I shook my head maybe I was hallucinating or something. I scanned the crowd again and saw him. It really can't be him. Savannah stop you are just imagining things. I headed back into the seats shocked and confused. I'm mentally insane.


I gave my speech about how my years here and how amazing of a class this is. Then I took off my cap and yelled. ''Class of 2016!'' And we all threw our caps off and cheer. I was smiling and laughing as our whole class ran up to me and we all gave a group hug. I honestly will miss this class. All the popular people were actually nice and helped out if I needed. We all supported each other. I made sure to give a hug to everyone. Hopefully I will see them during college, if I go. I mean I want to go......Stop, Savannah. This is the class moment. Where we just have fun and forget about school for once in our lives.

After many tears and hugs I went to find my family. Until I spotted someone. Him. it can't be. I began to follow the figure till someone else stopped me. ''Hey!'' I looked up and smiled. Who is this guy? ''Um...Hey.'' I stuttered rubbing the back of my neck. ''What's my name?'' He smirked crossing his arms. ''Um.... Is it Anna?'' Anna? Really Savannah?! ''Wow for a smart person you sure are dumb.'' I gave him a glare before slapping his arm. ''Just tell me.'' He does seem familiar. ''Austin.'' I sighed in relief. ''Oh the guy that got me drunk.'' He gave me a laugh before patting my shoulder. ''I asked you for a sip then you began to demand everything at the bar.'' I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. ''Why are you here, anyways?''

''My cousin is in you class, his name is Liam.'' I raised my eyebrow. ''Yes Liam and I are cousin.'' I nodded in response. I suddenly saw the same figure again. Austin looked behind him and waved his hand across my face. ''Um Savannah?'' I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. ''I need to go...bye.'' I quickly said walking away. ''Bye!''I heard him yell.

I began to speed walk while trying to keep up with the figure. And it doesn't help either that I'm wearing 3 inches heels. I began to lose him in the crowd till he came to a stop. I took this as an opportunity to gave a hold of his shoulder. He spun around and gave me a glare. What was I thinking?

''Who are you?!'' He yelled crossing his arms. Ugh. I am such an idiot. Thinking that he might....

''Hello?''He asked again. I shook out of my thoughts and looked up at him. He was middle aged. ''Sorry sir. I thought you were someone else.'' I gulped backing away. ''I asked who are you.... Not why you bumped into me.'' He gritted. Gosh he has anger problems. ''Savannah Bailey....Sir.'' I stuttered. He was scaring me. ''Hun, stop scaring that girl.'' I'm guessing his wife yelled across the crowd. She quickly made her way towards us. ''Sorry. He is a bit grumpy when he didn't have his coffee.'' She apologized. ''No it's fine. It was my fault anyways. I thought he was someone else.'' I argued. ''Well, okay. But it wasn't right of him.'' I smiled and shook my head. ''It's fine, but I must be going. Sorry again sir.''

''You should be.'' I sighed and turned around before I heard a slap and a bunch of curse words in Spanish. Yes, I know my Spanish and I am proud of it. I looked at the ground and shook my head. What was I thinking? That his is....Stop! Just stop! Savannah he is forever gone and you need to live with it! Gulping I wiped a tear that went down my cheek. Why do I miss him so much? I do know the answer, but it can never be true.

I kept my head down, embarrassed about my stupid mistake. I didn't want anyone to see me like this. I am mentally insane. I probably need to go into a mental hospital. Literally. I slowly made my way back into the stands till I bumped into someone. ''Sorry...I didn't-'' My words were cut off by the sight in front of me. I looked up and almost faint. It was him.


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