Chapter 15~ Don't Say Sorry

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Jacob P.O.V

After a whole lot of explaining, hugs, gasps, tears, and disappointing looks I was finally able to go up to my room. It looked exactly the same. Even the walls still had dents for when I was angry and punched them. I made my way over to my bed and sat down. I glanced over at my night stand and and saw a picture of me wrapping my arms around Savannah. I remembered that moment.

''JAKEY!" My room door burst open with a smiling Ruby running up to me. ''My princess.'' I cooed as she ran into my arms. I picked her up and spun her around. ''Where have you been?'' She asked as I placed her down. She looked different. She got taller and more beautiful. I'm gonna have to keep my eyes on her when she starts liking boys. ''I've been on an adventure.''

''To find your princess?'' I smiled and nodded. ''Did you find her?'' I shook my head. ''She's till out there, waiting for me to sweep her off her feet.'' Ruby gave me a big smile showing off her two missing teeth. ''I missed you, a lot.''

''I missed you more.'' I argued tickling her sides. ''S-stop.'' She laughed. ''Ruby, your friend's here!'' Sydney shouted from down stairs. ''I have to go, but I'll see you later.'' Ruby said giving me one last hug before running down stairs. I laid down back on my bed and took my phone out. I never changed my lock screen of Savannah. That's how much I missed her. I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my messages. I had a couple. Some from Jason and just junk messages that don't matter to me. There was a knock on the door, I looked up and smiled. ''Hey.'' I said as Sydney walked into my room. ''Hey, did you tell Savannah?''

''Yes, she didn't took it too well.'' I sighed, placing my phone down. ''I wouldn't blame her. You lied to her.'' She replied taking a seat next to me. ''I know, but that didn't mean I wanted to. I love Savannah.''

''I know you do, but it doesn't look like she wants to make out with you anytime sooner.'' I gave a chuckle while shaking my head. ''I don't care if I can't kiss her, maybe a little, but all I want is if she can ever trust me again.''

''What about us?''

''What about it?''

''Didn't you miss your family?''

''Of coarse I did. Sydney, it broke me when I had to leave you guys behind.''

''Why though-''

''Please don't make me explain again.'' I pleaded looking down at my shoes. That was the non stop question from my mom. ''Okay, then. Where did you stay?''

''In a house about 5 hours away.''

''Wow. I bet you got all that money from fighting and car races.'' I nodded. I used all my savings to get a place away from here. I would have gone farther, but I just couldn't. ''You know Jacob that you're gonna have to fix things right.'' sighing, I got up and stretched. ''Yeah, I think I might stop by her house.'' Sydney shook her head. ''Her family hates you, literally.'' I rolled my eyes and shrugged. ''No, they just have tough love. Anyways I better get going.'' I replied. She nodded before exiting my room.

Savannah's P.O.V

The nerve of the guy. He goes missing for a year then shows up randomly asking for forgiveness. Well, I don't want or need his pathetic apologies. I can't believe that he did this all for me. He left everything for me. Why does this sound like I'm being selfish? It's not like I wanted him to do this. It was his decision not mine. Right now I was sitting on my desk think about what just happen at the park. Calm down, Savannah. At least he's trying to get you back. Ha, like I would ever date him. Okay maybe I would, but he's not getting me that easy.

I took out Sydney's notebook I took after I ran in tears of Jacob's fake death. Ugh. I just can't. I flipped to the page I left off and began to read it.

I'm so glad I didn't take Ruby with me. I thought I could raise her with Jared. Good thing my parents stopped me. Jared was abusive and hateful. I couldn't do that to her. I left her with Jacob because I know he will protect her. He loves her. I love her. She's my little me.


I gave myself a smile. I'm glad Ruby has them or her childhood wouldn't be a childhood. At least her parents began to actually spend time with her after Jacob's fake death. How come I can't get him off my mind?

''Maybe because you missed me?'' I jumped and felled off my chair. I looked up and glared at him. ''You?! Again?!'' I snapped getting up and picking my chair back up. ''Yeah, we need to talk....Again.'' He gulped walking to my bed and taking a seat on it. ''Can't we do this later? I'm kinda busy?''

''With what? Reading my sisters journal?'' Blush arose on my cheek and I pushed the journal off my desk. ''No.'' I ushered looking down. ''I'm still mad at you.'' I commented taking a seat on my desk chair. I refuse to sit by him. ''I know, but I need to get a few things off my chest.'' I nodded for him to continue.

''I'm sor-''

''Don't say sorry.''


''Just don't. I'm tired of you saying sorry. It gets annoying.'' I snapped, brushing my hair off my face. ''Okay, then.'' Jacob sighed standing up. ''So is this conversation over. The window is that way. Don't bother coming back...''I rushed pushing him towards the exit. Jacob chuckled and turned around grabbing both my hands into his. The same feeling arose on my body making me blush when I didn't want to. ''Nice try, nerd.'' He whispered pulling me to his body. I gulped and shivered. What the heck was happening. Why do I feel this way, I'm suppose to be mad at him. ''Jacob, I-''

''Who the hell are you?!'' The door slammed open with an angry looking Ben. Ben gave me a glare before looking at Jacob. Suddenly his eyes widen with shock. ''How the hell are you alive?'' Ben screeched clenching his jaw. This isn't good. ''Simple. I faked my death.''

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