
7 0 1

25th May 2015

To Romeo,

To say that I was excited when I read your letter would be a lie.

As harsh as it sounds-- actually I don't care how harsh it sounds: I hate you.

I know hate is a strong word and I'll probably regret saying that when I'm in a better state of mind but currently all I'm seeing is red. Not the red that symbolises infatuation but of hatred.

I'm not angry that you picked this opportunity over me after almost two years together.

I'm not angry that you left me to deal with your emotional mum who feels the need to call me every minute as you forgot to tell her about your little trip.

I'm not even angry about the many wasted hours I spent making a scrap book of wedding dresses.

I'm angry because you knew I was invested in us; physically, mentally and most importantly, emotionally. And still, you managed to just pick up and leave.

You didn't even look back when I left you at the airport.

As soon as you left I was a mess. I cried so hard that I had to take leave off of work.

You know how missing work isn't an option for me, I need the money.

I'm done crying over you,

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