Moon Landing Was Faked

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Many people believe that the United States never landed on the moon and that the Apollo mission was a glorious hoax. Much of the reasoning for this has to do with the way certain photographs appear. For example, 2 of the photos that were said to be taken miles apart both share the same background. Another example is a rock photograph that has a clearly visible and symmetrical "C" letter engraved onto it.

Shortly before the moon landing Stanley Kubrick had just finished up his film, 2001: Space Odyssey. It is said that NASA approached Kubrick to help them shoot the moon landing in a way that would convince the world that the United States really did land on the moon. The shuttle taking off and landing would be real, but all the moon scenes would be faked.

The movie The Shining by Stanley Kubrick is also believed to be a hidden metaphor of the entire moon landing being faked. There are very many interesting bits and pieces found in that film that give credence towards Kubrick knowing what really happened with the moon landing or even being involved himself.

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