Jokers back story

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Before this chapter begins I want to first off thank all of you so much for all the comments and votes! My heart melts every time and I'm so glad I'm creating something that people love. Also this is my personal take on what happened to the joker, it in no way is connected to DC or even the suicide squad movie it just has the same characters that's it. Its my different take on it.

" Pauline, it's after 10 I thought you'd be home by now haha. Well hope your safe, I love you."

I hung up the phone leaving the message. I was going to propose to my girlfriend of two years today.

Pauline was a great girlfriend and I'm twenty nine so it's perfect timing for my life. She said she got held up at work so I'm a little disappointed I won't be able to have time to propose.

After sitting alone at the dining room table and fiddling around with the engagement ring I decided to go to her work office and propose there.

That's romantic right? Gee I hope I'm making the right decision.

I arrived at the office and stepped into the elevator. Boy was I nervous, I kept moving my box around in my pocket. I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

As the elevator door opened what I saw shattered my heart.

There my Pauline was standing in the middle of the office with her legs wrapped around another man.

I though my gasp was inaudible but I must have been loud because they both turned around with stunned looks on their faces.

I stood there shaking, I didn't know what to do.
" Joey." She  whispered trying to get her clothes on. I looked down and shook my head

" no." I whispered walking back into the elevator and pressing my button multiple times as they both tried to follow me in. Just my luck the doors closed in time

I made it to the first floor running out the building.

" Joey!" I heard them both yell running after me.

They followed me. I don't know why. I just wanted to run and hide.

I climbed a tall ladder and sat on a ledge overlooking large tanks fizzing with some crazy liquid. I just wanted to sit here in my pain.

How could she do that to me? Was it my fault is there something wrong with me?

Shut up Joey shut up!

I didn't know how long I was up here. But the pools at the bottom looked pretty. I watched stars disappear and street lights turn off.

" Joey." I heard her voice behind me, " I saw you Come here "

I stood up with my  back still turned to her

" you said you loved me. We said we would die for each other. What happened Pauline ?"

She sighed stepping closer.

" Joey, I would still die for you. I care about you. But you depend on me too much... It's like I'm living just for you. And I can live for you anymore I have to live for myself too. "

Her words sent a sword through whatever pieces of my heart were left.

I shook my head and finally turned around to face her.

" you are so selfish! I can't believe you! ". I yelled angrily pointing my finger at her.

And that's when I accidentally took a step back. That one step changed my whole life.

I fell into who I really was

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