The hidden truth.

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joker :  

Years have past since I last saw her, I've been locked in a cold cell because apparently even after all the shit I did I'm still not " trustworthy" trust is a ridiculous form of reassurance that people need to loose.

Aughh people, the thought of the world and all the awaiting corruption is enough to make me want to do whatever it takes to get out.

But part of me sees no point anymore, no more Harley means no more adventure. Most of my days in here are have been filled with constant thoughts of her.

Where is she? What is she doing? Hell I even think about the damn kid sometimes too. I can't decide if I like him or not. But the wonder is part of the only amusement I have in this shit hole.

Robin's point of view)
" I'm not a kid anymore mom! I'm 15 years old I can decide what I want for my life." I grumble trailing down the stairs. Mom has been on my toes for months.

" how am I supposed to believe anything you say anymore! You keep lying to me!" She yells attempting to follow me.

I roll my eyes swinging open the front door.
" look mom... I'm actually doing something with my life. I'm doing good, Im gonna be helping people. That's all you need to know okay?" I state before walking out into the driveway.

" helping people ? I didn't raise you like this. What have people done for you huh? Torn this family apart! " she yells out watching me climb onto my bike and petal away.

She was so against anything good, ever since I was little. Sometimes I feel like there was a mix up at the hospital when I was born. I love her but it hurts me knowing she doesn't know any better. Or doesn't want to anyway.

I petal past the many streets and wave to some familiar faces on the way. Life's so much different from when I was a kid. One day my mom just decided to fire all the henchmen and attempt to parent me the way she thought was best.

I always wondered about my dad. It's a mystery I've been trying my best to figure out. And someone's been helping me. It's part of the reason I've been so distant with my mom lately.

I don't want her to know I'm looking for my dad. I keep telling her I'm doing volunteer work. Which she of course is equally as mad about.

" Bruce !" I smile walking into the office building. Bruce Wayne is the man who has been helping me for the last couple of months in search for my dad.

" hey look who it is." He smiles throwing his arm around my shoulder and leading toward the elevator. I met him at my school he came in looking for students to come tour his building offices and we've been friends ever since. He's more like a mentor to me.

" so how are things. How's home life treating you?" He asks watching the elevator floor numbers increase until we reach the 7th floor.

" umm good yea." The elevator door opens and I fumble upon my thoughts. " umm I uhh I'm really here to see if you have any new leads on my dad?" His face slightly pales like it normally does.

I attribute his lack of comfort to the subject on the fact that both of his parents tragically passed away when he was young. We've kind of bonded over the lack of parenting in our lives.

" umm yea about that... I think maybe it's time to.." he mumbles directing me into his office before shutting the door. " I think it might be time to move on.." he sighs sitting at the edge of his desk.

" yea that's what I was thinking too! We should try other regions, I mean we've went through Gotham so many times he must have moved. I mean it's more likel-"

" no kid I mean stop looking for.. you know, your dad..."

The tables have turned and now my face has paled. In this moment I feel like a child. My mom would argue that I am still a child but I feel more oblivious and disregarded than childish. I feel dismissive.

" we've been working so hard all these months I thought maybe.. I mean why would you.. what happened?" I ask sinking into the seat in front of him.

He sighs guilt written all over his face.
" I don't think it's healthy to be chasing after someone.. who doesn't want to be found." He looks down.

" how do you know he doesn't want to be found?! I ask standing up in frustration. He was so passionate about this only a couple of days ago. " when did this all change for you?!" I yell desperate for the truth.

'' listen kid theres a reason he hasnt tried to reach out, you should enjoy your life... go out and find a girl, be happy! do what makes you happy..'' he reaches out and places his hand on my shoulder. 

I quickly nudge my shoulder in anger before getting up and  turning around and exiting the room that once held so much joy. I really thought he was gonna help me... he's just like my mother... she pretends like he never existed. its time for me to do this on my own. 

'' robbie!'' he calls out for me as I walk past the many people in the large workroom, I ignore him making my way to the elevator. as the doors close I resist the urge to break down... I wonder what my father would say if he were here to comfort me. comfort isn't a familiar feeling to me, I dont think it will ever be.


On the bike ride home I kept going over what happened with bruce, He was all I had left. No one else is ever going to want to help me search for a man who might not even exist. 

I pull into the driveway and cringe and the usual apperance of my house, its turned into a nightmare. Its covered in trees and vines and the windows have dulled so much, theres no life here anymore. most of the henchmen quit, mom just pretends like everything's okay but its more than evident that its not. 

'' Im home! I call out slamming the door behind me and rushing towards my room before I'm confronted with my whereabouts. 

I enter my room locking the door behind me, I reach under my bead and take out my latest project, I was gonna tell bruce about this... I think its the ticket to finding my dad. I open a cardboard box revealing a costume. 

One thing I noticed in gotham is that theres no one more known than the superheroes. If I can become one my face will be all over the world! and then my dad is bound to find me! I just have to follow some of the other superheroes around and then my dads bound to find me! 

I was gonna tell bruce today, maybe he would have been able to help me, but for now Im on my own. Maybe its meant to be that way. 

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