Chapter 21- The Field Trip- Part 3

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(I'm gonna change how I do dialogue. It's nothing Jurassic it's just needs to be changed so it's easier to read. Comment if you like the change or if you want me to go back to normal)

Aphmau's POV

We only did a few things today but, it's been a lot of Fun. The most fun I've had in a long time.

"So what game are we doing first" I ask Laurence.

"We're gonna play clown toss" he said.

"How do you play" I ask.

"Well you have 3 beanbags and you throw them at clowns" he explained.

"Sounds easy" I said.

We Walked towards the booth and got our beanbags.

"You go first" Laurence said.

"Ok" I said happily.

I threw it at the first clown and missed. Dang it. I threw it at the second clown and hit it.

"YESSSS" I said very excited. I threw my last beanbag and hit it.

"Nice job young lady you win a medium prize. Pick anything on this wall" the man working the booth said pointing to the second wall. I picked a green frog. It reminded me of Froggit from Undertale. Now it was Laurence's turn. He threw his first one and made it. He smiled and tried not to overreact of his excitement for hitting it. He threw the second and third one and made both of them.

"YESSSSSS" I yelled clapping. He just smiled.

"Oh, come on Laurence. Be excited. I can tell your holding back" I said.

"Ok" he said loosely.

"Nice job. You won a large prize. Pick anything from this wall" the man working the booth said pointing to the third wall. Laurence choose a big purple cat. It was so cute. I have to admit I'm a little jealous he did better than me, but, he did deserved it. We then started walking off when Laurence said,

"Here" handing me the purple cat.

"What. No, Laurence you won it. You deserve it" I said. OH JEEZ I WANT IT SO BAD, BUT I CANT TAKE IT FROM HIM.

"No I want you to have it. I choose this because I knew you'd want it" he said. YAY. Wait. This is what couples do. I remembered what he said back at the food court. Does He think this is a date? How do I ask him this without making this awkward? Oh no. Should I ask?

Aphmau you better answer him quick

And with that I said "Thanks Laurence. But, Um, I have a question" I said. Why am I so nervous to ask this?

"Yeah" he said a little questionitive. Here goes nothing.

"A-About what you said back at the food court" I said very nervously.

"Uh-Huh" he said. Deep Breath Aphmau.

"Do you think this is a date" I said quickly. I wanna pass out right now. I sound like an idiot.

"O-Oh. Ummmmm. Well" he said thinking. I made this real awkward.

Good going.

Shut up.

That's when I came up with the idea to say

"You know what, forget I asked. Let's not label this". I didn't want to friend-zone him, but I also didn't want to come off strong. He nodded and we continued walking.

~•Time Skip•~

(Btw I forgot to mention the school drops them off and students go home with their parents. Hayden was there and waiting)

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