Chapter 23- Out Of Control

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Laurence's POV

The bell rung and Aphmau didn't come back. I need to go find her. I went to see if she was at her locker and there she was.

"Hey Aph, why are you packing up" I asked.

"I have an early dismissal" she said as she continued packing up.

"Oh" I said a little disappointed. She frowned at me.

"What, you can't go a day with without seeing me" she teased.

"Well I'm so used to seeing you everyday. It's gonna be weird not seeing you" I said.

Aphmau's POV

"I think you'll be ok Laurence" I said.

"Fiiiiiiine. After school wanna meet up at Kawaii~Chan's Café" he asked me.

"Sure. What time" I asked.

"4:00" he said.

"Ok. I think you should go to class. And I have to go home" I said the last part nervously.

"Why do you sound nervous. If anything your lucky" he said. Let's switch lives for a day. Then tell me if its fun to be me or not.



How many times do we have to go through this? He doesn't know what you go through at home because you don't tell him.

Oh yeah.



Me and Laurence went our separate ways. Deep breath. I got in the car. And I stayed silent.

"Oh, so no hello father" he said woozy. WHAT DO YOU EVEN MEAN. I look at him with one eyebrow raised. He slapped me across the face. I look at him again. He starts driving towards the freeway. He's driving reckless. Oh my Irene is he drunk driving. We're gonna die. I'm dead. He can die for all I care but....... Me. I have a life to live. I don't do drugs or alcohol. And I'm definitely not abusive.

"Calm down" I said nervously. He continues driving reckless. We're driving straight for a car. That's when I grab the wheel and swerved us away from it. If we're going to be in a car accident, might as well save innocent lives.

"WHAT THE HECK" he yelled angry.


"I WAS TRYING TO RACE HIM" he yelled. Cop cars were right behind us.

"You better pull over" I say sternly.

"Nope" he said like a little kid. That was it. I saw it. A tree. We crashed into a tree. My world went black.........

Oh, we are not stopping this chapter here. It's getting good.

Cops POV

There's a girl in there. We go to her first, and get her out. After she's out, the paramedics are here. They run straight to her. They check for a breath, pulse, and a heartbeat.

"Is she alive" I ask. They nod and put her inside. The second paramedics show up. We then run over to the man now. They do the same thing and he's alive. Their both taken to the hospital.

~•Time Skip To After School•~

Laurence's POV

"YES. SCHOOL IS FINISHED. WHOO HOO" I say jumping around.

"Laurence clam down" Garroth said.

"How can he? We finished a long day of school. He has a right to celebrate. In fact, I'm gonna celebrate too" Dante said as he started jumping around too. See, he understands me.

"Aphmau's right, you guys are 6" Katelyn said. And Nicole nodded her head agreeing with her.

"To be fair, she only calls Laurence 6" Dante said.

"Dude, what the heck" I said. Everyone started laughing.

"Laurence, Nya, have you heard the amazing news" Michi said coming up from behind me. I shake my head. She looked surprised.

"Hehe, I'll let someone close to you tell you. Nya. Because if I told you, you would think I was lying. Nya" she said and skipped away.

"I'm excited for this good news now" I say. I turn back around and no one was there. Except for two people. Cadenza and Aaron. They had serious/ sad expressions on their faces. I look at them concerned.

"Laurence......" Aaron said sadly. I look at him confused.

"Aphmau......" Candenza started but was cut off By a crying Kawaii~Chan. I ran over to her.

"L-Laurence~Kun......... Have you heard" Kawaii~Chan Asked me as she was still crying. I shook my heard.

"Aphmau was in a serious car accident" Aaron said from behind. I turn around. I took a deep shaky breath. I run fast. Tears are coming down my face. I decide that I'm going to Garroth's. I bang on the door like a cop. Garroth answers. Everyone was in there having a good time.

"Have you guys heard" I say with tears still coming down my face. Everyone shook their head. Then, something hit my back. It was the newspaper. Who still reads the newspaper? Whatever. I look at the cover and I see. I see Aphmau's, fathers car crashed into a tree. I read the article. It explains everything. I sigh.

"Laurence, what happened" Garroth asked concerned. I throw the newspaper, hard at Garroth. And I run to the football field. And I find Michi there.

Garroths POV

I read the article out loud to Everyone. We all started crying. But we ran after Laurence. We can now see him. He's going to the football field.

Laurence's POV

I run to her. Michi. I tackle her. I stood up, but she stayed down.

"YOU CALL APHMAU BEING IN A CAR ACCIDENT GOOD NEWS" I yell enraged. She smiles and nods. Then someone tackles me from the side. It was Dante.

"Laurence you need to calm down" he says. I look at him enraged.

"I understand she's a horrible person. And she made a joke out of it, but you need to calm down, and you know why. I push him of me, and I run home. He's right. I need to lock myself in my room for a while. I can feel it coming. The Shadow Knight within me. I'm trying to keep it obtained. I get to my house, and I write a quick note and leave it on the door. It says.....

Don't open. Shadow Knight Laurence is Enraged.

After I left that note on the door, I lock my self in my room and I try to calm down. But it doesn't work. I transform. I'm more enraged than from before. I'm breathing heavy.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So this chapter was intense. Did I hit you with some feels? Is Aphmau going to be ok? Is Jack going to be ok? Will they even survive? When will Laurence calm down?

Words: 1100

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