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I made this short story for the Literary column of our school paper.

© C.J. Avila
™ November 2015
All rights reserved.


Traveling has always made you feel alive. It always made you lose your mind, made you yourself. It's either going to the mall, the neighboring town or to the nearest city. To travel always give you the rush of emotions that no one else understands, no one but your best friend. And no matter what you do, no matter what circumstances may come, you can't stop wanting to go somewhere, even if that somewhere is in the middle of nowhere.

When you hear or see a name of a place that you haven't been to before, you always make sure to go check the internet and find things the place that might interest you. And when it does, the rush of emotions comes back, the excitement floods your veins making you jittery, making you jump to the driver's seat and prepare yourself to go on an adventure in a new place.

When you were 15, you know that all you can do to travel is to participate in family reunions, holiday getaways, and school field trips. You know that no matter how well you do at school, your parents will never allow you to go somewhere, on a place where your mom is uncertain of what lies there, somewhere where your dad haven't been to, yet.

You insisted. You persuaded. You cried. You sobbed. You yelled. But parents are parents. They wouldn't budge, wouldn't even look at you and say, "No!" With that, you know, you're the only one in the family who feels in lust traveling.

You ran away. Your parents found out about your little getaway with your friends. You didn't tell them, of course. You know that you will hear the inevitable rejection they always give you when you mention your little travels. You know that you wouldn't take that easily and would still leave to go. You didn't understand, of course, why your parents wouldn't allow you to go. You were almost 18 anyway. But they just don't understand. You don't understand them as well so you still went with them.

Regret wasn't on your mind when you jumped off your window that night and went with your friends to visit the oh-so awesome golden state, San Francisco. It was on top of your growing list of places you want to go. Living up to the nickname, it truly is the golden state.

Regret wasn't on your mind when you asked your friend to put down the sun roof. You didn't regret it when you stand up and meet the cool wind, your hair flowing behind you. Then, there it is again, the rush of emotions flowing in your body along with the cold breeze hitting your skin. You weren't regretting this decision, not at all. If ever, this is the best ever, yet.

But the best just wasn't good.

After a few years, here you are now, standing in front of a full-length mirror, dressed in a simple and vintage white gown. In just a few minutes, you'll be going on a new adventure in a new place with someone new.

When you were younger, all that makes you feel jittery, jumpy, excited and rushed was traveling, going to new places and being on an adventure. But after a trip to Hawaii, all that you want to do was to see and be with this guy you met. Now, after many travels with him, the both of you are finally making a big step to the future.

At first, you didn't understand why your parents always stop you on leaving. But now that you are really leaving them to live with someone forever, you understand. You understand why your mom is uncertain because she doesn't want you to go somewhere all alone. You understand why your dad refuses you to leave because he knows that one day you will really leave his side, his little girl will be a grown-up woman with a man. You understand them now.

After that trip to San Francisco, you realize that there are other golden places. Some even better. Some are worse but are still exhilarating to go to. You realize that after many trips and travels around the world, after bumps and curves on the road, you realize that seeing the good in the place, somewhere out there will be better.

Now, as you look at yourself in the mirror in a white gown, you reflect on the things you did alone. After a few minutes, you won't be alone anymore. You won't be alone when you fly. You won't be alone when you climb. You won't be alone because soon enough someone will promise to be with you forever and wherever that'll be, you won't be alone anymore.

Traveling may make you feel alive, make you lose your mind and make you lose yourself but nothing will ever make you special than being in love with someone you can be in lust in wandering the world. To travel always give you the rush of emotions that no one else understands but now you have. And that no matter what you do, no matter what circumstances may come, you can't stop wanting to go somewhere, even if that somewhere is in the middle of nowhere but now that feeling is stronger...now that you're not alone anymore.



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