The Moment I Knew

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I wrote this short story for a one-shot story writing competition in a university.

© C.J. Avila
™ February 2016
All rights reserved.


The wind is blowing softly. The chilly breeze hitting me like a wave.

It's a beautiful night. The sun is setting and soon it will be dark again.

I smile at the thought of the day ending. But it was interrupted by cars honking.

I look to see who had arrived and I instantly smile.

My friends are here. Soon enough, my parents arrived.

"Freya. Happy Birthday, darling. You look beautiful." My mom said and hugged me.

"Thanks mom. You look glowing. Blooming, even." I say.

She wave her hands, dismissing my compliment. "That's nonsense. It's just the dress. I bought it from the money you gave me."

"Aww. That's great, Mom. Come in, it's chilly."

"Ooh. Now that you mention it." She says and we laugh.

I open the door to let her in. Before I went in myself, I scan the streets for a familiar car to come by.

When I see none, I decided to go in and prevent myself from freezing to death.


My stomach is now hurting due to laughing out loud. I can't help but be happy for myself. It is my 21st birthday.

But something's missing. Yes. A missing piece.

I keep glancing at the door if it will open up eventually and he will come bursting in saying, "I'm right here, baby! Come on, smile!"

I keep looking out the window to see if he parked his car already.

"I'll be there." He told me. He promised. But where is he?

"Freya?" I hear Mom call me. I instantly smile to hide my disappointment.

"Yeah?" I say.

"We'll be going now. It's a long drive, you know" My Dad said. I smile.

"Aww. So soon?" I whine, like the daddy's girl I grew up to be.

They laugh. "We'll visit more or you come visit us."

I hug them and walk outside. "Thank you. I'm sorry you didn't get to meet Josh. Something came up."

Mom held my hand. "There's always a next time, dear."

I smile. "Safe trip. Love you."

"Love you, too. Take care."

I wave at them as their car drove away. As if anticipating it, I scan the streets for any incoming car, a familiar one. None.

I shake my head and went back in. My friends are gathered in the living room. I approach them and said, "So, what next?"

"Well, we all look fancy. Why don't we go to a club? You're finally 21!" One said. I laugh, a forced one.

"Well, I can't say no to that."

They cheered and made a dash to their cars. I turn the lights off and grab my coat and keys as I walk out.

Kayla, my best friend, block my way. "Where's Josh?"

I look her in the eyes hoping she'll get the message. She did. "Oh. I'm sorry. Don't be sad. He may have his reason. Has he called you yet?"

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