6 Months

20 1 1

This is originally a one-shot fan fiction. I made it by request.

© C.J. Avila
May 2016
All rights reserved.


6 months.

He's been away for so long, you're now used to his absence. And it's not right.

You're afraid that him going away meant that what you feel towards him may went away with him. You're afraid that him being away meant that he's going to be more busy than he was studying.

No. You can't let that happen. So you tried to work it out with him. Even if it's hard.

You would wake up to an empty bed but you would wake up to a text from him saying, "Good Morning. x" even if it's nightfall wherever he is.

You would see his face on your wallpaper, smiling, and his arms around you. Just the sight of that would make your day and you would feel okay.

Every night, you would look up the sky. Gazing at the starts and the moon knowing fully well that he will be looking at the same thing after his work hours and before he goes to sleep.

You would always check the day of his return and cross off the days that passed. You would count the days left and days that came.

You would always do these things to make sure that he's still coming back. He'll be back for you. Soon.


You woke up to voices outside the window. Getting up, you grabbed the nearest object near you, a pillow, to defend yourself. You crept into the window quietly so that whoever's outside won't know you're awake. Taking in a large breath, you peeked at the curtains and out the window.

You see a familiar mop of blonde hair standing in the sidewalk, right outside a black van, talking to someone inside the vehicle. You pulled the curtains off and took a closer look.

You noticed one of his friends, who was on the driver's seat, glanced up, smiled and waved up at you. You're more than surprised to see him. He gestured to the blonde guy, who has it's back to you, and pointed up at you. The guy turned around and looked up. Your hands went instantly up to your mouth to cover your surprise.

He was standing there, his blue eyes shining brightly against the moonlight as he look up at you. You can't believe it. You drop the pillow you were holding and run down to get to him.

When you got on the front porch, you see him wave goodbye to his band mates and faced you. You see the van went off the streets.

Forgetting that you're barefooted, you run across the lawn to him. Tears are now running down your face.

He dropped his bags and opened his arms. You jumped into them and you finally feel his heat and heartbeat against your own. You're now full on tears and sobbing in his jacket.

He rubs your back reassuringly and rains your face with kisses. He missed you as much as you missed him.

Finally. After 6 months of laptop screens, timezones and loneliness, the real him is in your arms. No words came out of your mouth, for his presence is enough to fill in the hole in your heart, a piece that he took when he went away.

6 months of being apart. Yet you feel that he never left at all. You've waited 6 months for this day.

First, for his return.

Second, for your one-year anniversary of being with him.

And third, him.



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