Vampires Do Exist

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      He stood in a field surrounded on all sides, how many times had he been in this situation already? How many had he slain alone in this war? He felt a chill go down his spine as if someone were watching him and not a mere human either. Turning he saw her, she was pale, the skin he could see looked bruised and her stomach bulged slightly.

      "Freya." he whispered at the image, he had no doubt this was Freya's spirit but it couldn't be he knew she couldn't astral project so it could only mean one thing..." no no Freya!" he shouted and the men around him looked at him as if he had lost his reason so unsure they backed away.

      He watched her reach for him before suddenly being pulled away. Turning on the men he let his rage take over him to slay them quickly, he needed to go home; forget his country, forget his title and forget his fellow countrymen he had nothing if he did not have her.

      He slayed the men quickly then turned on his heel and headed home, using his vampire speed he could be there in the width of a few hours; how he wished he could take to the air like his father could.

      The trees, buildings and battlefield flew by him in a blur he was traveling so fast, the morning sun was rising as he reached his lands and instantly he noticed the smell of burning wood, his gut twisted.

      "Freya!" he screamed as he reached where the house once stood, now, it was nothing but ash.

      In a panic he sifted through the rubble before finally picking up a very faint scent heading away from the house as the wind blew his way. Following the scent it lead him to the stables which sat burnt and empty.

      "You'll find her at the mountain keep." a woman's voice called to him, spinning he looked into the tree line where a white figure moved between trees; allowing his senses to be heightened was allowing him to see specters he guessed, "She's in grave danger you must hurry." the woman's voice called and he realized he knew this voice.

      "Avonlea..." he whispered.

      "Go to her Xander...stay by her!" Avonlea called anxiously, "You know what to do her Xander so you never have to suffer again." she called, "Go now!" she screamed at him in anguish which caused the wind to quicken and chill.

      Looking at her spirit one final time he took off, now that he knew where to find her it would be quicker and easier to get there.

      By noon he was at the mountain pass that lead up to his keep, speeding up the pass he reached the doors as the sun slowly began to sink only to stop in his path as he saw light flickering in a window far above; stepping back he leapt to the balcony and landed on it soundlessly.

      "I'm dying Francois...I can feel it." he heard Freya whisper and watched as Francois' head lowered.

      " are...and just vary nearly did...I've been trying...but if...if I cannot get Xander back here..." he heard Francois choke out sounding distraught.

      "The's killing me isn't it..." she muttered, her heart stuttering, "It''s not..." she began but she couldn't seem to say anymore

      "No...Lady Freya it is not...Lord Xander and I..." Francois began and he decided it was time to step in, if anyone was going to reveal their secret to her it was going to be him.

      "Leave us Francois." he ordered as he threw back the glass doors and stepped in.

      "Mi'Lord!" Francois gasped then rushed to him, "Xander you must..." Francois began.

      "Yes, I know, now leave us Francois; you have done well my old friend." he muttered then reaching out he clasped Francois' shoulder briefly before he turned and rushed from the room.

      Closing the balcony doors he leaned against them and stared at her a moment, she looked like death warmed over and her thoughts were in disarray.

      'If he does not come to me I will go to him even if I have to crawl!' he heard her say in her thoughts as she painfully turned in the bed fully prepared to do so.

      "There is no reason to put yourself in anymore pain my love." he whispered and rushed to her side then grabbing her up as gently as if she were a porcelain doll he hugged her and kissed her deeply; he'd only been away a few months but it had felt like an eternity.

      "Oh Xander!" she cried loudly burying her face in his chest, it displeased him that he could feel all her bones poking out as a violent chill suddenly went through her.

      "Would you still love me if I told you I wasn't human...if I showed you what I truly was?" he questioned lowly as he kissed her head gently.

      "I want to know everything there is to know about you, and, I want to know...why..." she choked up and buried her face as a new wave of tears hit her, "I've been so frightened!." she wailed then her frail hands began to beat at his chest and smack at his face, "You left me all alone!" she screamed in pain at him as she slapped him again, "And I'm dying...and I don't want to!" she wailed cracking him across the face angrily again.

      Fearing she might break her hand he grabbed them gently then covering her mouth with his he wrapped his arms around her waist and bent her backwards as he forced his tongue between her lips.

      "I'm sorry love, please forgive me...and forgive me for putting you in the situation that you're in now." he whispered as he sat back up with her after ending the kiss, "Would you believe me if I told you vampires are real and that I'm one?" he half stated half questioned, "I have been for the past 500 years."

      He watched her face distort in anger, "This isn't funny!" she screamed, "I'm really dying and you're going to spit out lies!" she spat out angrily.

      "I'm not lying Freya." closing his eyes he let her scent assault him, he felt his teeth grow and his venom flow and he knew when he opened them she would see the crimson, "I would never lie about this."

      Gasping she scrambled back as quickly as her emaciated body would allow her, she scrambled all the way up against the wall her eyes widening in fear.

      Shutting off his senses he felt himself return to normal as he felt his heart shatter a little, "Please...don't be frightened...Francois is one too, we were both made by my father." protectively it seemed her hands went to her stomach.

      "Get away from''re a monster!" she gasped and it stung him as hard as if all the bullets and blades were piercing him all at once.

      "I can't do that Freya..." he muttered then looked down at her hands still covering her stomach; she was nothing but skin and bone now and every inch of her skin he could see seemed bruised, "I can make you better...please..." He whispered then raising his hands he tore open his shirt and ran his nails across his chest, "Drink and live my love...if not for yourself or me at least for our child."

      He watched as her eyes drifted to the open wound a mix of fear and hungry desire passing over them.

  ©  Eva Henderson, 2016 

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