1: From the Sky

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Vigil finally landed on the mountain path, escaping any possible injury from the Tyranitar. Although, his landing was a bit rough. He never had too much experience with gliding through the air, so he could not keep himself from landing into brambles that sat just next to one of the trails.

It was hard to believe that being away from Lookout Peak was his only dream. Now that his village was no more, all the Sentret wanted to do was return home. He let out a bitter chuckle, shaking his head at the irony of the situation.

All of his tears dried up in the breeze while he was gliding away from his former home. Vigil wiped the remnants of his wet fur and began to walk down the mountain path, leaving his home behind for good.

A few moments later, Vigil reached the sign he had seen when the earthquake struck. He carefully studied the map again, frustration building up within him. He clenched his fists, then opened them wide, revealing his short, sharp claws.

"No one will need this ever again," the Sentret muttered before slashing the sign to pieces. He continued to hack away at the sign until it was nothing but shrapnel beneath his feet. Even with something to take his fury out on, Vigil could not find reprieve from his emotions. He wanted to claw out his swiftly-beating heart to put an end to the heartache.

If he could lie over and die, he would. But that Tyranitar's words were forever etched in his mind: Now go. Become stronger, and face me again. The only force keeping the Sentret hiking down the mountain was his thirst for revenge, or rather, an insatiable lust for it. Vigil imagined the large Pokémon falling into the void of his own creation, where he would suffer a cruel, agonizing death.

The Sentret shook away the thoughts when they became too violent for him to focus. Resentment blurred his vision and animosity plagued his mind. The deep sorrow he once had for his family disappeared completely. All that was left was an empty husk that Vigil's mind could fill with revenge.

Deranged images would not cease clouding Vigil's mind. Part of him wished they would subside, so that he may properly grieve over his family. But another part, his survival instinct, urged them to stay, in order to fuel his will to live.

That was, until Vigil saw his brother, falling into the oblivion that condemned the village. He could see Vedette's horror-filled eyes as the rift consumed his home. Vedette's shrieks resonated with terror, screaming for comfort from his brother.

His brother, who was not there to help him in his final hour. His brother, who was not yet powerful enough to stand against the one who massacred his village.

The screaming got louder and louder, as if Vedette was nearly feet away, running towards him. Vigil turned around, hoping to see Vedette alive and well.


All of the appalling images that flooded his mind disappeared as he ran towards the source of the noise. Vigil was horrified to see a Pokémon fall to the ground in front of him.

As his vision cleared, he could finally make out what the Pokémon looked like. Its skin was a light green, with a red stomach. It wore a leaf as a tail, and it resembled many of the reptilian Pokémon Vigil had read about. Vigil recognized the Pokémon as a Treecko.

Vigil checked the collapsed Treecko for a pulse. Surprisingly, it actually survived such a high fall from...wherever he was thrown from. The Sentret shook the green Pokémon, until finally it began to stir.

The Treecko opened its eyes, revealing two amber spheres that glistened in the sunset. However, it slowly began drifting off again, moaning in pain. Vigil feared that the Pokémon might not wake up again, so he quickly shook his body again, snapping the Treecko awake.

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